Recently I was standing in line at my local post office to mail a few gifts and couldn't help but notice how many of my fellow frantic last minute package mailers were losing their hair. What was even more surprising to me is how many women were starting to see the signs of early stage thinning and balding.
At first my thought was maybe it's traction alopecia, which is caused by damaging the hair at the root due to tight hair styles. While this may have been a contributing factor for some it certainly was not the cause for most. In fact, the primary cause appeared to female pattern baldness.
For the men most of their hair loss had reached the point of no return with serious balding taking place on the top of the head, around the crown, along with the dreaded receding hairline. There was no doubt in my mind that male pattern baldness had been hard at work on this group of hair challenged fellows.
Why the sudden increase in balding?
Honestly, I just don't know for sure but what I can tell you is that I have been noticing this trend for at least the last 3 years. Is it stress? Could it a byproduct of drinking or smoking too much? What about diet? Could overuse of prescription medications be playing a role? Are people simply not taking care of their hair? Are the current slew of hair conditioners and shampoos harsher than what we believe them to be? Are the new fangled showerheads applying too much pressure to the scalp?
These are just a few of the possibilities that could be contributing to our march to a hair no more society filled with baldies.
Can minoxidil infused products help?
I have seen the commercials, read the research studies, and tried these products; both store brands and name brands. While initially these highly regarded hair re-growth products seemed to show results for me the euphoria quickly vanished after about 5 months as my scalp became overly sensitive to these product. This turn of events not only reversed my hair gain but caused some additional hair loss. My wife did her best to tell me she would love me no matter what I could tell she was disappointed.
Are there any other options?
There are a number of natural options that could be worth considering; both those taken orally or applied topically. It is my experience that the topical products are not very effective if you are dealing with male or female pattern balding unless they are taken along with an oral tincture or supplement.
On the other hand if you have temporary hair loss due to chemotherapy, over dieting, too many hair chemicals, or in general poor hair care habits then a topical concoction might be worth a try.
Why are natural topical formulas not all that effective against male and female pattern baldness?
Male and female pattern balding attacks the hair on the follicle level through the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). As DHT accumulates it slowly shrinks the hair follicle to a point where it can no longer support new growth.
To overcome this condition you must block or slow the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone.
The oral formulas that I have found to be the most effective for accomplishing this monumental task are oral tinctures which can be taken with juice, soda, or water quite easily. They get into the system fast, and at least in my case, were able to produce results in a relatively short period of time.
In conclusion, it is obvious to most that hair loss is on the increase with the only real question being what can be done about it. There are no really easy answers for progressive balding, but one thing is for sure the sooner a hair loss problem is recognized the better the chance of halting its progression.
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