Hair Loss in Women Causes

Hair Loss in women can be caused by a number of factors. In this blog I’m going to give you a brief explanation of each of the likely causes and how they can be effectively dealt with.

Lifestyles Lead to Hair Loss

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Rogaine for Women

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Hair Treatment for Women

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Hair Loss Success Stories

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Androgenetic alopecia is the most prevalent type of hair loss which affects both men and women. In men, it is called male pattern hair loss. In women, it is called female pattern hair loss. Both men and women exhibit the same pattern of hair loss. Apparently, the condition is named such because of the characteristic pattern of hair thinning and hair loss. This type of hair loss is inherited via autosomal dominant and thus individuals who have one parent with the condition are likely to inherit the gene responsible for its development. 

The condition can begin early during puberty or as late as age 40. Many people with the condition have lost 50 percent of their hair by age 50. More often than not, people who have the condition rarely notice the amount of hair they have lost until the affected region sufficiently thinned and appear almost bald. In men, hair loss starts as gradual recession of the hairline and progresses to the crown and vertex. If the condition is left untreated, complete baldness occurs. In women, hair loss also starts as hairline recession as well. However, women rarely experience complete baldness.

As the name suggests, two factors are involved in its development: androgens and genetic factors. The interaction between these two factors facilitates the development of pattern hair loss. Androgens function as hair growth regulators. The presence of androgens in the hair follicles is necessary for hair growth to occur. However, in predisposed individuals, androgens interfere with the hair growth cycle. That is, instead of promoting hair growth, androgens keep the hair in just one phase of the cycle and prevent the cycle from continuing. The cycle is normally arrested in the resting stage wherein no hair growth occurs. As a result, the thick, long, pigmented terminal hair is replaced by short, unpigmented vellus hair. This process of replacement is referred to as hair miniaturization. 

It is normal for us to shed 50 to 100 hair strands each day. If you are losing more than 100 strands, you might be affected with the condition and requires treatment. Although the condition has no cure, scientists have invented treatments that actually work effectively in reducing its damaging effects. At present, surgeries, drugs and non-prescription androgenetic alopecia treatments are available. If you want to avoid the risks and costs of surgeries and drugs, you can opt for non-prescription androgenetic alopecia treatments. Non-prescription androgenetic alopecia treatments include herbs and vitamins. 

The main advantage of non-prescription androgenetic alopecia treatments is not really its affordability, but its ability to treat androgenetic alopecia naturally. Herbs have been used for centuries in treating various forms of hair loss and are proven effective. In addition, our hair needs sufficient amount of vitamins for the health of the hair follicles. Herbs and vitamins are the most common ingredients found in many non-prescription androgenetic alopecia treatments including hair supplements and hair loss shampoo. Avoiding the use of risky treatments should be done at all cost. By opting for non-prescription androgenetic alopecia treatments, you are assured that there are no adverse side effects.

For more information about effective non-prescription treatments for androgenetic alopecia, visit

Michael Stanford is a freelance writer in the nutritional industry. He has contributed research on many of the top non-prescription androgenetic alopecia treatments available today, as well as serving as a consultant to the supplement industry for the past four years.

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