It is a well known fact that a certain minimal amount of hair loss is normal so that on the average 80-150 strands fall out each day. But when the amount lost each day greatly exceeds the amount produced, the effects can be devastating for a woman. Indeed the almost instinctive response is to quickly find a means to provide hair regrowth for women. But consider for just a moment how this growth takes place.
The Hair Growth Process
At any given time about 90% of your hair is in the active growth phase and this phase has a duration of between 2-7 years. At the same time the other 10% is in the resting or dormant phase in which new growth from the follicle pushes out the old shaft. Thus growth consists of a continual cycle of growth and replacement of hair. You can see that, when the amount of old hair falling out exceeds the new growth, thinning and balding will occur. Or you may notice that it falls out in clumps. These are all conditions indicating serious hair loss and requiring urgent attention. But what are the causes of this shedding?
Causes of female loss of hair
Some causes are permanent while others are only temporary. Changing hormone levels during post pregnancy, severe stress, certain medical conditions and certain medical treatments are all possible causes of temporary shedding. The good news is that when these conditions cease your hair regrows naturally.
However, when genetic and hormonal factors cause the hair to fall out, it is usually not naturally reversible and is described as female pattern baldness. (FPB) This type occurs largely at the front and top of the head. There is also a more diffused thinning with the loss occurring throughout the entire area of the head. What are ways to make your hair start growing again?
6 Tips For Hair Regrowth For Women
1) Reasonably, the general health of your body is reflected in the condition of your hair. Hence good nutritional balance is important. Proper hydration also plays a part.
2) Research has shown that improved blood circulation to the scalp results in revitalizing of the follicles to resume growth. What can cause this increased circulation? Actually, exercise is the key here.
3) What about some of the natural oils and creams which are topically applied directly to the scalp? These are meant to work by stimulating the follicles and causing hair to start growing again. Some of these treatments have had a measure of success.
4) These days wigs and hair pieces are accepted as legitimate fashion accessories even by women with normal hair. So they can provide good temporary relief especially while you wait for hair loss treatment to take effect.
5) Hair regrowth products specially formulated for women have been developed. One leading brand is Provillus For Women and you can get more information by visiting the link below. Provillus has as its active ingredient, the FDA approved Minoxidil. This product works by blocking DHT, a hormone byproduct that attacks and damages the follicles and strangles the growth of hair, leading to baldness.
6) Transplants and grafts are available too and are viable ways of solving the hair loss problem. However these surgical techniques carry a high price tag and should be carefully examined to evaluate the expense.
To be sure, baldness can be a source of distress and anxiety which can have an adverse effect on your emotional well-being. It can also affect your social life. It is therefore the course of wisdom to take action by visiting the link below and discovering how Provillus For Women can stop baldness and bring about hair regrowth for women.
Did you find those tips on Hair Regrowth For Women useful? You can learn a lot more about how to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Your Own Hair by clicking here: Hair Loss In Woman [] or here: Hair Regrowth Woman []