Hair Loss in Women Causes

Hair Loss in women can be caused by a number of factors. In this blog I’m going to give you a brief explanation of each of the likely causes and how they can be effectively dealt with.

Lifestyles Lead to Hair Loss

It seems as though the workforce wasn’t the only thing women were getting themselves in for when the battle of the sexes began. Today, through no want of their own, women are up there with men when it comes to hair loss and it seems they’re being affected at a younger age....

Rogaine for Women

Extra unwanted hair in women is a side effect of Rogaine, but as long as you use it as directed, you should be fine....

Hair Treatment for Women

Women who experience hair loss can feel embarrassed and be anxious about what to do and who to turn to. Knowing what treatments are available however is only half the solution. Not everyone’s situation is the same and women will need to know which individual approach will be most suited to them and give them the results they desire....

Hair Loss Success Stories

In some cases hair loss cannot be treated or hair density may have been poor for so many years it has become irreversible. However, even when thin hair has become a long-standing problem, there are still cosmetic products that can help a woman’s confidence....

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Hair loss in woman definitely causes a feelings of insecurity and ugliness. But, in truth, lots of women face hair thinning and loss in various degrees. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Considering the fact there are around 30 million women who undergo hair loss in different percentages, women who face hair loss right now should not feel down. You can still do something about it based on the root cause of hair loss.

Thinning can be categorized as temporary and permanent. There are many reasons why this occurs in women. It could be due to skin disease, genetic factors, medical conditions, side effects of medical treatments or others. Medical conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome could cause permanent hair loss.

But, in a lot of cases, the problem is temporary. Depression, stress, child birth or even crash dieting can cause temporary loss of hair. Of course, these hairs will grow back if you take proper care during the 'growth' cycle. By proper care, it could mean reducing stress and depression by practicing yoga, simple breathing exercises or finding some other means of relaxation techniques.

Since vitamins and minerals are critical for hair, it might be a good idea to take daily supplements instead of relying on daily consumption of food. An overdose of Vitamin A or lack of Vitamin B Complex, C or D could cause hair loss in woman. Even minerals like zinc and magnesium are vital for hair growth. Although you can get them from natural foods but, you might have the headache of keeping track of them.

Minerals are normally found in very small amounts in natural foods. Hence, there could be a possibility of you not consuming enough. So, perhaps, taking a daily supplement especially one solely for hair might be better. Brushing, combing and washing hair with shampoo are day-to-day activities which may cause hair thinning and loss.

Too much rigorous brushing especially for those with fine hair is not a good thing. Gentle strokes with good quality brushes would help to promote blood circulation and hair growth. Depending on the type of hair you have, you should choose the shampoo, conditioner, brush and comb. Some people have coarse and thick hair. Others could have fine or frizzy hair.

Another important point to take note is massaging of the scalp. As informed earlier, hair goes through a cycle of growth and resting periods. It is indeed vital to make full use of the hair growth period if you want to promote hair growth. Take some time to massage the shampoo into the scalp for proper cleansing of the scalp and promote good blood circulation.

Though there is no proper evidence as yet, massaging the hair conditioner into the scalp is said to could cause hair loss in woman over time. Some hair experts say that hair conditioners are supposed to be used on hair strands for moisturizing purpose only. So, it would not be a good idea to use 2 in 1 shampoos. Buy the hair shampoo and conditioner separately if possible. Even though hair loss in woman may cause a feeling of inferiority complex, internal beauty is more crucial than external beauty. So, take heart if you cannot do anything about your hair thinning and loss problem.

Click here to learn more about Hair Loss in Woman.
Click here for more about Hair Loss Vitamins.

Vanessa Vera wanted to know everything there was to know about how to stop her own hair from thinning in order to make it stop. These articles and were the result of her extensive research and quest to get her own hair back.

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The good news about having hair loss in today's world is that there are a lot of products available that can help you. In fact, there are new products on the market that are more effective in regenerating hair growth and stopping the loss than anything previously available. Everyone is going to have some hair loss during their lifetime, so even though you don't yet suffer from thinning hair, it's a good idea to know about products that are available. In this article you will read about two of the most effective products on today's market: Rogaine and Bio-Fen Plus.

Exploring Your Choices

Since there are so many remedies to help curtail hair loss, you should be aware of the most effective choices you have. You've probably heard of Rogaine. It is an excellent product that has been widely-publicized for a number of years now. It is available in formulas the hair loss in both men and women.

One of the reasons that Rogaine is seeing such widespread popularity is that it was the first chemical hair loss treatment introduced to the mass market. It is estimated that more than 5,000,000 people all over the world have tried Rogaine successfully. The reason that Rogaine is so effective is because it contains minoxidil, a chemical ingredient that causes hair follicles to regenerate and actively produce hair again. Although Rogaine is quite effective for people under the age of 50, it's not as successful with older people who have hair follicles that cannot be regenerated.

Rogaine needs to be applied topically to the scalp twice every day. It will take around three months to start seeing new hair growth. Even though your hair has starting filling in again, you will need to continue its use in order to retain that hair and keep generating new growth.

If you'd prefer a hair loss product that isn't full of chemicals and will be gentler on your hair and scalp, you might want to consider Bio-Fen Plus. This treatment, which can be used successfully by both men and women, has been gaining popularity with both men and women.

Bio-Fen Plus contains natural ingredients such as fenugreek seed extract, saw palmetto berry extract, flax seed lignans, folic acid, botin, and vitamins B2, B3, B5, and B6. Bio-Fen Plus is taken in capsule form, so instead of being a topical treatment, it actually works beneath the surface to control hair loss from the roots up. In addition, there are Bio-Fen Plus shampoos and conditioners which contain active botanical extracts that work on the surface to give your hair a stronger, thicker appearance.

No matter if you're a man or a woman, hair loss is a traumatic thing. Don't let yourself stress out about it, though, because the more stress you have, the more hair is going to fall out, because stress is one of the major culprits in hair loss. Keep yourself cool, calm, and collected, and go out and get yourself a hair loss product that can effectively prevent the problem from getting any worse.

For more information about hair loss products, visit for tips on how to overcome the causes of female hair loss.

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A popular misconception is that only men suffer from hair loss. A related fallacy is that only a very small percentage of women experience hair loss. Both assertions are not true; it is estimated that six out of ten women will undergo some degree of hair loss. This process is even more devastating for women because it seems that it is not as prevalent (as hair loss in men) and a woman's beauty is closely tied in with lustrous, full-looking hair.

Probably one of the most traumatic experiences that can affect a woman is losing her hair. Baldness occurs when hairs begin to fall out (which is normal- about 100-150 per day), but do not grow back. Science is still tackling with exact reasons for the start of the process, but we know that genetic predisposition, aging, and diet are closely (if not directly) related.

Reasons for Hair Loss

Genetic hair loss and increased shedding (chronic telogen effluvium) is responsible for the majority of hair loss grievances by women (up to 95% before menopause). Unlike men, women are more likely to experience thinning from behind the front hairline to the crown.

There are two types of hair loss: telogen effluvium and anagen effluvium. The latter is due to medications or processes such as chemotherapy. The former is due to an abnormal number of hair follicles being in the resting stage. The following are reasons for telogen effluvium:

- Stress on the body due to surgery, illness, anemia, rapid change in weight, etc.

- Stress on the mind due to mental illness, death, depression, etc.

- Thyroid abnormalities

- Medications such as high doses of Vitamin A, blood pressure pills, gout medications, etc.

- Hormonal causes such as birth control pills, pregnancy, and menopause

The following could be reasons for temporary hair loss:

- Too little protein or iron in the diet

- Alopecia areata

- Traumatic stress or illness

- Childbirth

- Ringworm

When these above causes are remedied, a return of normal hair growth will follow.


A good, healthy, and well-balanced diet contributes to voluminous hair. Large amounts of vitamin A should be avoided. Protein and iron rich foods will contribute to healthy hair. Vegetarians and Vegans often may be targets for hair loss because of their modified diets. Protein, iron, and zinc supplements should be ingested on a daily basis if you are a vegan or vegetarian.

Physical and Emotional Stress

Undergoing severe illness and emotional stress can contribute to hair loss. The body begins to break down and normal functioning is altered. The body knows that hair production is not vital to survival, so it will devote its energies elsewhere and in effect create hair loss. In most cases there is a three month delay between an event and the advent of hair loss. It may take up to three months for hair to grow back after the resolution of a traumatic event.

Health conditions such as anemia, low blood count, and thyroid abnormalities attribute to hair loss. These conditions can be combated and can easily be indicated by a blood test.

Hormonal Change

Hormonal changes can cause hair loss in women. Pregnancy and the discontinuation of birth control pills can cause hair loss. When a woman is pregnant their levels of the hormone progesterone becomes high and causes hair to be in a dormant state. When hormone levels re-balance, the woman will experience re-growth of the hair. Ironically, when a woman undergoes restoration, she will see a great deal of hair falling out. This is the dormant hair being replaced by healthier, fuller hair.


- A well balanced diet including foods high in protein and iron

- Regular doctor check ups

- Counseling for stress (especially after a traumatic event)

- Hair weaves, changing hair style, and or wigs.

- Hair transplants

- Minoxidil (Rogaine)

The good news is that if you are experiencing hair loss, most likely the cause can be remedied. It is up to each woman to take care of herself and be proactive to fight hair loss. Because it takes some time to overcome and re-grow hair after many of the instances of hair loss, finding a great looking wig is suggested, so that you will not experience a lack of confidence and cause more stress (which is bad for the hair) while your hair is growing back. offers a variety of great looking wigs and hair pieces. Visit our site to select the right style, color, and accessories to have you looking fabulous. The original article can be viewed here

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Excessive scalp hair loss is a severe challenge to a woman's self image and her standing in business and society. Although we usually think of balding as a man's problem, women actually make up forty percent of the people in North America experiencing the distress of excessive hair loss. Many women losing significant scalp hair have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Safe, effective, natural therapies that treat the hormone imbalances related to PCOS will also restore your hair to optimal health. I am delighted to offer you these indispensable tools to help you restore your hair and your health.

Women experiencing hair loss lose ground fast in today's world. At work and in her personal life a woman's appearance has much to do with her financial and social success. Men may also prefer not to go bald. But since balding is known to be caused by high levels of testosterone, a bald man may be credited with extra virility. There is no such happy story for balding women. The appearance of thinning scalp hair translates to a significant loss of personal power for women.

The medical community in general treats women's hair loss as a minor health issue. Most physicians have little inclination to address the emotional distress you feel. In many cases physicians treat balding as if it were "only" a vanity issue; they may not recognize hair loss as a red flag pointing to serious metabolic conditions, including PCOS.

The psychological pain of hair loss and its effect on our sense of empowerment is as devastating as any disfiguring disease. If you are a balding woman, your hair loss is a life altering condition with profound consequences for your health. Getting your hands on the wheel and driving yourself toward a solution for hair loss is the first step toward reviving your sense of personal strength and power. If hair loss is part of PCOS, the effort you make to restore your physical health will also renew scalp hair growth.

You need expert help to properly diagnose the cause of your hair loss. Hair loss that could have been merely temporary may become permanent if you have a delayed or incorrect diagnosis. Misdiagnoses is perhaps the most frustrating aspect of hair loss for women. The information I present here will help you identify the cause of your hair loss and ideally lead you and your doctors to proper treatments for your kind of hair loss, sooner rather than later.

Alopecia is the medical term for excessive or abnormal hair loss. There are different kinds of alopecia. What all hair loss has in common, whether it's in men or women, is that it is always a symptom of something else that's gone wrong. Your hair will remain on your head where it belongs if hormone imbalance, disease, or some other condition is not occurring. That condition may be as simple as having a gene that makes you susceptible to male or female pattern baldness. Or it may be as complex as a whole host of diseases. Hair loss may be a symptom of a short-term event such as stress, pregnancy, or a side effect of certain medications. In these situations, hair grows back when the event has passed. Substances including hormones and medication can cause a change in the hair growth patterns. When this happens, growth and shedding occur at the same time. Once the cause is dealt with, hairs go back to their random pattern of growth and shedding, and balding stops.

Alopecia: A Common Problem

Today more women than ever are experiencing hair loss -- and the causes are typically quite different that what causes balding in men. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, some 30 million women in the United States are experiencing some degree of distressing scalp hair loss. The most common causes of scalp hair loss in women can include:

Mineral or vitamin deficiency - zinc, manganese, iron, vitamin B6, biotin

Essential fatty acid deficiency from a low calorie diet or eating disorders

Protein deficiency, as is common with vegetarian diets

Anemia from a low iron diet, poor digestion or any excess blood loss

Eating disorders, like anorexia, bulimia, even 'yo-yo' dieting; also compulsive or excessive physical exercise

Drug toxicity, for instance anesthesia with surgery or chemotherapy for cancer

Many prescription medications have hair loss as a potential 'side' effect, including bromocriptine, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, amphetamines, anti-cholesterol agents

Severe infections, either viral or bacterial

Severe stress, either a sudden extreme event or persistent, long term challenges

Any hypothalamic or pituitary disorder

Any liver, thyroid gland, adrenal gland or ovarian disorder, including PCOS

Any sex steroid imbalance such as low progesterone, estrogen dominance, excess testosterone or insulin

Starting or stopping any hormone therapy, including birth control pills, menopausal hormone replacement treatment or thyroid hormone replacement

Any natural event that causes big hormone changes, like child birth, breastfeeding and weaning or menopause

Perms, hair color, bleach, improper brushing/combing, pulling on the hair

Autoimmune disease such as lupus or multiple sclerosis

Allergies to foods, medicines, environmental chemicals or topical drugs

Recent hepatitis B shot. If you had a Hep B vaccine since this hair loss started, there may be a connection.  An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (278:117-8, 1997) links the Hep B vaccine to increased incidence of alopecia in women.

How does an individual woman figure out why she is losing too much of her hair? To understand that, it's important to understand how hair grows.

Hair Grows in Cycles  

Scalp hair grows about one-half inch per month. An individual strand of hair will grow for two to six years. Eventually each hair "rests" for a while, and then falls out. Soon after, that follicle will start growing a new strand. A healthy scalp will let about 100 of these cycling hairs fall out every day.

In folks with a genetic predisposition to hair loss, and for women with PCOS, hormones called androgens drive this process. Androgen hormones include testosterone, androsteinedione, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Men make and use relatively large amounts of androgens. Appropriate, smaller amounts of androgens are essential to women's health as well.

In those who are genetically susceptible, testosterone activates enzymes produced in the hair cell, which then cause it to be converted into the more potent androgen DHT.  DHT then binds with receptors deep within the hair follicle. Eventually, so much DHT builds up that the follicle begins shrinking. It can't produce new hair reliably. Some of the follicles permanently stop producing new hairs. The end result is significant hair loss. The medical term for this condition is androgenic alopecia. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme Type II 5-alpha reductase, which is held in a hair follicle's oil glands. Actually, it's not the amount of circulating testosterone that is the problem but the amount of DHT clogging up and shrinking scalp follicles, making it impossible for healthy hair to survive.

The process of testosterone converting to DHT, which then harms hair follicles, happens in both men and women. Usually women have a tiny fraction of the amount of testosterone that men make. It seems that for women with hair loss, the actual level of testosterone is not as crucial as are changes in the amount of testosterone she has. A shift in hormone levels triggered by lifestyle or other factors, will cause DHT- triggered hair loss in women. Even when hormone blood levels remain within what doctors consider "normal", they can become high enough to cause a problem for an individual woman. The levels may not rise at all and still be a problem if you are very sensitive to even normal levels of chemicals, including hormones.

Because our hormones operate through a delicately balanced feedback system, with signals sent via the blood between the brain and body tissue, androgens do not need to be raised to trigger a problem. If the so-called female hormones, (which also are essential to men's health) are for any reason shifting in relation to androgens, the resulting imbalance can also cause problems, including hair loss.

Hormones are always changing. Testosterone levels in men drop by as much as 10 percent each decade after age thirty. Women's hormone levels shift with each menstrual cycle, or due to a lack of regular menses, in pregnancies and menopause. Eating disorders, excessive exercise, drugs and environmental toxins can also impact hormone levels.

Keys To Successful Treatment

Treatment of thinning scalp hair must be grounded in changing the habits you may have that support elevated androgens. Diet and exercise are key to maintaining optimal hormone balance. In fact, for women with PCOS, research is clear- there is no drug therapy more effective than proper diet and regular exercise. First, you get your foundational health habits in order; then, specific targeted therapies have the best chance of being effective for you.

Women with PCOS may also have excess coarse dark hair on their face and body. The only way to address the dark, coarse hair that grows out of follicles that have already been altered by excess androgens, is to destroy the follicle with laser or similar therapy. Once a follicle has changed the type of hair it produces, it will not change back. It is crucial to tame the excess androgens and prevent conversion of additional follicles, before investing in a therapy to permanently destroy facial or body hair follicles.

What Causes Women to Lose Too Much Scalp Hair?

For a long time doctors believed that androgenic alopecia was the main cause of balding in both men and women. Now we know that the process that leads to excessive hair loss in women is different. It is called female pattern hair loss.

An important difference between male and female balding is the pattern in which the hair loss occurs. Female pattern hair loss tends to happen as an overall thinning across all areas of the scalp, including the sides and back. Men lose hair from specific spots, like the temple, the crown, that bald spot in the back of the head. Male and female hormone and enzyme receptor sites are also in different areas of the scalp, causing the different gender related loss patterns of hair loss.

A second major difference is that balding in men is usually caused by a man's genetics and his age, but for women, balding can happen at any age.

Lifestyle Choices, Illness and Medical Treatments Cause Hair Loss

Most women with hair loss have multiple features of their lifestyle, diet and health-related events that contribute. Sex hormone fluctuations are responsible for most female hair loss, including those who have PCOS, a recent pregnancy, menopause, hormone replacement therapy or birth control drug side effects. Chemotherapy for cancer, anti-coagulant drugs, iron- deficiency anemia, autoimmune disease can cause hair loss. Any disease involving hormone producing glands, including the thyroid, the adrenal and pituitary glands can trigger balding in women. It is essential for all women to learn the true cause of their hair loss before engaging any particular treatment.

The complex hormonal changes that accompany polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) often result in scalp hair loss. Sometimes hair loss is the first sign that a woman is suffering the metabolic disorder that also causes problems with acne, facial and body hair growth, irregular menstrual cycles and infertility. PCOS is associated with increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

Thyroid disorders, anemia, chronic illness or the use of certain medications, particularly any form of hormone replacement therapy or contraceptive prescriptions- should be considered a possible cause of hair loss in women. Autoimmune disorders will result in somewhat different, often less dramatic hair loss known as alopecia areata -- an inflammatory condition in which hair comes out in clumps or patches.

Any drop in estrogen levels, as happens after pregnancy, with menopause, or when changing your hormone therapy including birth control pill use, will cause what is called estrogenic alopecia. In contrast to testosterone, estrogen helps scalp hair grow faster and stay on the head longer, resulting in thicker hair. This is the reason women's hair gets fuller during pregnancy when estrogen levels are quite high, then sheds several weeks after the baby is born.

For women who do not have fertility-related hormone changes, estrogen-deficiency scalp hair loss generally starts around menopause. This form of female hair loss can be the first sign of approaching menopause. Sometimes the alopecia won't begin until a few months or even years after menstruation has ended. Not all women get noticeable alopecia after menopause but most have a little thinning.

It's not uncommon to have multiple factors involved in female hair loss. Many women with PCOS have thyroid problems, usually hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). Not only does hypothyroidism contribute to weight problems, it can also contribute to hair thinning. Some women with PCOS have both an excessively high level of testosterone and an under active thyroid.

If your hair is thinning, you may have heavy metals like lead, mercury or cadmium in your tissues. These poisonous residues saturate our environment. If you have lived near what is, or ever was an industrial or mining site, or lived with someone who works in a polluting industry, you may be contaminated. If you have ever smoked tobacco, you have a lot of cadmium in your body.

The majority of women with androgenic alopecia have diffuse thinning on all areas of the scalp. Some women may have a combination of two pattern types. Androgenic alopecia is caused by a variety of factors tied to the actions of hormones including PCOS, using contraceptives, pregnancy, and menopause. Any blood sugar and insulin hormone imbalance will lead to excess androgens. Women with insulin resistance, from chronic over-eating of refined carbohydrate food, will see more impact from androgens. Insulin resistance is associated with PCOS as well as Type 2 diabetes. Chronic stress that depletes adrenal glands can change the levels of androgens a woman produces as well. This is often the source of problems like infertility, acne and hair thinning in lean, athletic women with PCOS. Heredity may play a role in androgenic alopecia.

Any big event like childbirth or breastfeeding, malnutrition from an alteration in your diet, a severe infection, major surgery, or any extreme stress, can suddenly shift much of the 90 percent or so of your hairs that are in the growing phase or resting phase into the shedding phase. You will see this shift in the rate of hair loss 6 weeks to three month after the stressful event. This is called telogen effluvium. It is possible to lose great bunches of hair daily with full-blown telogen effluvium. Usually this type of hair loss is reversible, if major stressors are avoided. For some women however, telogen effluvium is a mysterious chronic disorder and can persist for months or years, without ever completely identifying all of the triggering factors.

Anagen effluvium happens when the hair follicle cells are so damaged they can not recover or reproduce. This is usually due to toxicity of chemotherapy for cancer. Chemotherapy is meant to destroy rapidly dividing cancer cells. Hair follicles in the growing (anagen) phase, are therefore vulnerable. Anagen effluvium means the hair shaft narrows as a result of damage to the follicle. The shaft breaks off at the narrowing and causes the loss of hair.

Traction alopecia is damage from hairstyles that pull at hair over time (braiding, cornrows, ponytails, extensions). If the condition is detected early enough, you can change your styling practice to be gentler on the follicles, and your hair will regrow.

Hormone contraceptives are a leading cause of distressing hair loss and other symptoms in women. Since the birth control pill first began being used in 1960, oral contraceptives, injections, implants, skin patches and vaginal rings have become the most commonly prescribed forms of birth control.  

Unfortunately, many young women are given contraceptive hormones even when they are not sexually active, as a 'treatment' for irregular menses or acne. This is a mistake. This is not a treatment that addresses the underlying cause of problem periods or pimples. Contraceptive hormones will severely complicate a woman's hormone balance and can lead to many health problems, including significant hair loss and worsening acne.

All contraceptive drugs use synthetic hormones to suppress ovulation. These drugs cause your ovaries to stop working; they are in a kind of 'sleep' state. Instead of having your natural cycles result from a dance of signals between your body and your brain, your tissues are subject to synthetic hormones in amounts much larger than your body normally makes.  There are many long and short -term consequences to ovarian suppression. Most women experience side effects using contraceptive drugs, including hair loss either during or several weeks or months after stopping the drug.

An article appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association (278:117-8, 1997) linking the Hepatitis B vaccine to increased incidence of balding in women.

Diagnostic Testing

In order to successfully treat hair loss, it is essential to understand why your hair follicles are not healthy. There are diagnostic tests that may help identify the underlying biochemistry that is contributing to your excess hair loss. However, many women with significant chemical imbalances related to their hair loss will find that these test results are within the "normal" range. That's because in many cases hair loss represents a stage of ill-health that is an early phase of a disease that will eventually fully develop. The lifestyle and dietary habits that eventually cause Type 2 diabetes and heart disease will also cause scalp hair thinning and facial hair coarsening in young women. It is usually many years before these same women have diagnostic tests that reveal they are diabetic or have coronary artery disease. Many of these women have undiagnosed PCOS.

Selective Sensitivity is the underlying problem

Another reason why diagnostic tests may be confusing is because of something called 'selective sensitivity' or 'selective resistance'. It turns out that some body cells are more sensitive than others to the same amounts of hormone. A major complicating factor for some women is that while her muscle and fat may be insulin resistant, other types of organ cells are not.  The pituitary, ovaries, and adrenal glands of an insulin resistant woman are stimulated by higher levels of insulin than is desirable, which causes for instance elevated testosterone. The high levels of androgens in turn increase risk for heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Despite these possible difficulties, it is important to do our best to determine what is and isn't the cause of a major symptom like persistent excessive hair loss. Diagnostic tests that can help identify the source of your metabolic imbalance are:

The hair pull test is a simple diagnostic test in which the physician lightly pulls a small amount of hair (approx. 100 simultaneously) in order to determine if there is excessive loss. Normal range is zero to three hairs per pull.

Hormone levels: Dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone, androstenedione, prolactin, sex hormone binding globulin, follicular stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. It is ideal to sample for FSH and LH on day 19 to 21 of your menstrual cycle, if those days can be identified.

Fasting blood glucose and insulin levels as well as cholesterol and triglyceride levels

A complete blood count plus serum iron, ferritin and total iron binding capacity

Thyroid stimulating hormone plus a thyroid function panel including T3, T4, and T3 % uptake

VDRL to screen for syphilis

A scalp biopsy should be done before choosing surgical transplant

Densitometry, a magnification device, used check for shrinking of the hair shaft.

Conventional Medical Treatments For Hair Loss

You may be very interested in drug therapies of surgery to address the profound distress of excessive hair loss. It is simply human nature to hope for a simple pill or procedure that will permanently free us from our problems. Unfortunately drugs never actually provide a simple solution. Once you swallow a chemical, it is delivered all over your body; it affects your whole body. We cannot control drugs so they have only the effects we want- there are always side effects that are more or less problematic. Using drug therapy means trading one problem for some others. Sometimes this is exactly the right thing to do. Other times it is a personal disaster. Most drugs will act on all your tissues there is a danger of side effects that further damage your health. Topical treatments applied directly to the scalp use the lowest doses, and are the least harmful drug choices.

You will enjoy the best results when you begin any treatment as soon as possible after hair loss begins. Stopping the adverse effects of androgens means you can prevent further hair loss. And you can support regrowth from the follicles that were dormant still healthy. Depending on how the agent you choose works, stopping treatment will result in the hair loss resuming, unless you have also made other changes in your lifestyle that keep androgens at a level that is healthy and not harmful to you.

Below you will find a list of treatments currently being used to treat hair loss in women. Some of these drugs have not been approved by the FDA for this particular application, however they have all been approved for other applications and are used "off label" to treat hair loss. Currently 2% topical Minoxidil is the only FDA approved treatment specifically for female pattern hair loss.

The effectiveness of these agents and methods will vary from woman to woman, but many women have found that using these treatments has made a positive difference in the character of their hair and their positive self-esteem. As always, treatments have the best chance of being effective if they are geared to the cause of the hair loss as well as to triggering hair growth.

Estrogen and progesterone as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), typically prescribed for women undergoing menopause for any reason, is probably the most common systemic form of treatment for androgenic alopecia in women.

Oral contraceptives will decrease the production of ovarian androgens, and thus can be used to treat women's androgenic alopecia. There are substantial reasons to avoid the use of either synthetic or bio-identical hormone treatments for your hair loss. Some birth control pills actually contribute to hair loss by triggering it or increasing it once it's been triggered by something else. Any individual woman may have a selective sensitivity to any hormone combination- what is a low androgen effect formula for one woman may be a high androgen effect for another.

I am no longer able to recommend the use of birth control pills or other hormone-based contraception to young women. Decades of evidence suggest there are plenty of known, and possibly as yet unknown health risks associated with the use of ANY from of reproductive hormones, either prescription or over-the-counter forms. It is clear that the benefits of hormonal contraceptives are accompanied by significant risks, including making it much more likely that a woman will experience hormone imbalances that lead to a long list of negative effects. Hormone replacement puts you are risk for:

Depression or other mood disorders; decreased libido

Migraines and headaches

Breast lumps, tenderness and enlargement

Vaginal bleeding between periods

High blood pressure (hypertension)

High cholesterol

Blood clot in the leg, felt as: pain in the calf; leg cramps; leg or foot swelling

Blood clot in the lung, felt as: shortness of breath; sharp chest pain; coughing up blood

Heart attack, felt as: chest pain or heaviness

Sudden loss of vision or vision changes, which can be a sign of a blood clot in the eye

Cerebral vascular accident (a stroke): impaired vision or speech; weakness or numbness in a limb; severe headache

Liver damage, seen as: yellow eyes or skin; dark urine; abdominal pain

Allergic reaction: rash; hives; itching; swelling; difficulty breathing or swallowing


Bloating, nausea and vomiting

Changes in your eyes that make it more difficult to wear contact lenses

If you chose a hormone prescription for any reason, you should be sure to use only low-androgen content methods. If you have a strong predisposition for genetic hair loss, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease or any female organ cancer in your family I strongly recommend the use of another non-hormonal form of birth control.

Below is a list of birth control pills ranging from lowest androgen index to highest:

Desogen, Ortho-Cept, Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Micronor, Nor-Q D, Ovcon-35, Brevicon/Modicon, Ortho Norvum 7/7/7, Ortho Novum 10-11, Tri-Norinyl, Norinyl and Ortho 1/35, Demulen 1/35, Triphasil/Tri-Levien, Nordette, Lo/Ovral, Ovrette, Ovral, Loestrin1/20, Loestrin 1.5/30.

The following hormonal contraceptives have a significant potential of causing hair loss or making it worse:

Progestin implants, such as Norplant, are small rods surgically implanted under your skin. The rods release a continuous dose of progestin to prevent ovarian function.

Progestin injections, such as Depo-Provera, are given into the muscles of the upper arm or buttocks.

The skin patch (Ortho Evra) is pasted onto your shoulder, buttocks, or other location. It releases progestin and estrogen continuously to prevent your ovaries from producing normal cycles.

The vaginal ring (NuvaRing) is a flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina. This method releases the  lowest amounts of progestin and estrogen.

Minoxidil 2% Topical Treatment - Minoxidil seems to be more effective for women than men, for increasing scalp hair growth. The manufacturers of minoxidil recommend women use 2% minoxidil. There is a 5% solution available that has been tested and found safe enough for men. Because the makers of minoxidil have not invested in the expense of gaining FDA approval for promoting 5% minoxidil for use by women, it must be prescribed and used under a physician's supervision. Small clinical trials on 5% minoxidil for women show that the 5% solution is in fact more effective in both retaining and regrowing hair than the 2 % solution.

Spironolactone (Aldactone) is a potassium-sparing diuretic used to treat high blood pressure and swelling. Spironolactone slows the production of androgens in the adrenal glands and ovaries. It prevents DHT from binding to receptor sites in the hair follicles.

Cimetidine (Tagamet) is a histamine blocker, approved to treat digestive tract ulcers. It prevents the stomach from producing digestive enzymes. Cimetidine also has been shown to block DHT from binding to hair follicle receptor sites.

Cyproterone acetate is used to reduce sexual aggression in men. Cyproterone acetate blocks DHT at hair follicle receptors. It has significant toxicity and long term side effects and is not available in the US.

Ketoconazole is a prescription topical treatment. It is primarily used as an antimicrobial for treating skin fungus. It suppresses production of androgens by adrenal glands, testicles and ovaries. Nizoral shampoo contains 2% ketoconazole. There is an over-the-counter version available. It has 1% active ingredient and is not as effective as prescription strength.

Finasteride is a drug that inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that deactivates DHT. It is sold as Proscar to treat prostate enlargement in men. Sold as Propecia it is approved by the FDA for male balding. Women should not take it if they are pregnant or might become pregnant because of the risk of feminization effects on a male fetus.        

Surgical Implants

Since hair restoration surgery is an option for the vast majority of the balding men, women may want to consider it. However, the type of hair loss most women suffer from makes hair transplants a bad idea.

Few women have the type of hair loss that make them good candidates for a surgical solution. Most men lose hair in well-defined areas, for instance the receding forehead or the classic round spot on the top of the skull. Little clumps or plugs of hair are removed from areas where healthy follicles are stable and plentiful, and these are transplanted to other areas of the head. Women more often experience an overall thinning across their whole scalp, including the sides and back. Most women have few reliably stable donor sites. Offering to transplant hair from unstable donor sites is medically unethical and women must not allow their distress about balding to get in the way of a cool- eyed look at the rationale behind treatment options offered.

Are any women good candidates for hair transplant? Yes, some.  A small percentage, 2% to 5% of women will have the type of hair loss that will benefit from this type of procedure. They are:

Women who have suffered hair loss due to non-hormonal causes, like traction alopecia.

Women who have scalp scars from some kind of wound or cosmetic surgery and want to repair hair loss around the incision or injury sites.

Women who have healthy and stable donor sites along with balding in a distinct pattern, like a receding hairline or thinning on the very top of the head.

Natural Remedies for Women's Hair Loss

Safe, effective natural therapies are available to help you restore scalp health and increase hair growth. Like all natural therapies, in order to be maximally effective, it is essential to work with you as an individual. Some remedies will be more useful to you than others, depending on your unique, personal physical, mental and emotional health status. It is always important to spend your health care dollars well. I offer a consultation service to help you choose and make best use of the available options for treatment. Please visit your local ND to find out how to benefit from a personal consultation. You will receive recommendations for specific natural therapies, designed for your unique health status, to help you restore your health, and your scalp hair to it's fullest and most enjoyable beauty.

You can get more information from my book, and my self-hypnosis CD or MP3. The Natural Diet Solution to PCOS and Infertility, as well as other self-help tools, at my PCOS Diet Site.

BitterRoot Natural Medicine 200 East Pine Street Missoula, MT 59802 (406)728-8544
? Nancy Dunne, ND 2009

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There is little doubt that one of the major possible causes of hair loss in women is stress. But the kind of stress that we are talking about here is not the common day to day kind of stress that we all experience. The kind of stress that can cause hair loss in women is usually the result of some kind of sudden and extreme shock. Sudden and severe emotional trauma or severe physical trauma is usually needed in order to create the effect of sudden hair loss in women.

Some kinds of mental and emotional stress that can typically lead to hair loss in women can occur as a result of the death of a family member or loved one; the ending a relationship through divorce or death; an extreme financial trauma such as a bankruptcy or losing a house. And this stress doesn't even need to be occurring to the person suffering the hair loss, but they could be occurring to someone that they love or are very close to.

As far as physical stress and trauma that could cause hair loss in women is concerned, some examples could be severe and long-term illness, surgical procedures and sudden and extreme physical trauma such as a car accident or heart attack.

The scientific name for this sudden hair loss in women is "telogen effluvium". In this specific hair loss condition hair follicles that a healthy and growing hair at the normal rate become massively impeded, resulting in the severe slowing down of hair growth. The hair follicle then begins its resting phase, where hair growth is stopped altogether. In this phase the hair is relatively weak and falls out easily.

What can be confusing with this particular kind of hair loss in women is that the results of the stress are not always immediate. Sometimes several months can pass after the traumatic event before any hair loss begins to occur.

Oftentimes the woman who is experiencing their hair loss has forgotten the past dramatic event, and begins looking for answers to the sudden hair loss in events that are happening in her life right now. Unfortunately the answers are not in what's happening now but in what happened several weeks or months before.

This in itself can create stress as there may be nothing occurring in a woman's life right now that could in any way lead to her losing her hair.

Irrespective of when the true cause of the hair loss occurred, once the hair loss cycle has begun the hair can fall out at an alarming rate leading to even more stress for the woman who is losing hair, perpetuating the vicious cycle.

So in answer to the question can stress lead to hair loss in women, the answer is yes. But the stress needs to be something so far out of the ordinary that it can shock the body to the point that a woman's hair can fall out.

As with any kind of sudden hair loss it is always best to seek the appropriate medical advice. A proper case history taking and diagnosis will often identify the cause of the woman's sudden hair loss, which in itself can relieve a significant amount of stress and any affect that stress may be having on the re-growth of the woman's hair.

To learn more about the possible causes of hair loss in women make sure you visit Where you will learn not only why you are losing your hair but also what you can do about it utilizing the very best hair loss treatments and resources

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Pregnancy can be a wonderful time for any woman. It can have many different ups and downs. There can be various problems that come with this. One of the many problems a woman who is pregnant may face is hair loss. Pregnancy and hair loss though do not have to go together though.

Pregnancy and hair loss tend to go together because of the hormonal imbalance that your body goes through during this time. However, during pregnancy you tend to secrete a hormone that will help you with keeping your hair. That is why many women find that during pregnancy their hair is fuller than it ever was. After giving birth is the most common time for a woman to experience hair loss. This is because the hormone keeping the hair loss from occurring is no longer secreted and the hormones are trying to get back to their former balance. This can be very depressing for any woman, especially since her hormones are all out of balance which can put her on edge and tend to make her more emotional at this time in her life.

Stress is another factor that can put pregnancy and hair loss together. Stress can cause major problems for women at any time and pregnancy is a very delicate time for a woman. Stress and anxiety can come into play when a woman is concerned about the financial burden having a baby puts on her. She may even find herself questioning whether or not she is ready to have a baby or whether she will be a good mother. Stress and anxiety can also be worse if the father just ups and leaves or if the woman finds out her child has a disability. After giving birth stress can come from being up all night with a crying baby, learning to balance life with a baby, having everyone wanting to come and see the new child, trying to get her body back to normal and many other factors. Learning to deal with this is important to managing your hair loss problem at this time in a woman's life. Another thing a woman should think about is not to go on crazy diets after having a baby in order to lose the baby weight. This can actually cause hair loss as well.

There are several things a woman can do to help pregnancy and hair loss not go together for her. The first thing is to keep her life as stress free as possible. This is as easy as keeping positive and finding an outlet. Good outlets for stress and anxiety are meditation and yoga. Massage is another great thing that can help with this, though if you are not showing it is important to let the massage therapist know you are pregnant as there are certain contradictions with massage during pregnancy. Most important, just keep focused on the little bundle of joy you will hold in your arms and the bond and love that you and your child will share.

Are you looking for the best Pregnancy and Hair Loss? Visit today for more information!

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There are a number of different reasons for why a woman may find that she starts to lose her hair. Yet although some women do suffer from hair loss, it is not to the same extent that men do. In this article, we look at one reason that is the cause of female hair loss and is the most common.

Yet even though we still think that hair loss is predominantly a male problem, today quite a few women are likely to suffer from some form of serious hair loss. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology around 30 million women in the United States alone are troubled with hair loss of one sort or another.

For quite a few women the reason that they start losing hair is because of their genetics. All women have hormones in their bodies called androgens, but for a few, these can actually interfere with the way that their hair grows normally. The main hormone in this group, which causes such a problem, is testosterone.

Normally this sits in the woman's body quite happily but unfortunately for some women because of their genetic make up it converts into DHT. Now DHT or Dihydrotestosterone binds to the receptors found deep within your hair follicles and prevents messages from being allowed to access the follicles that tell it to grow. Therefore, this in turn prevents normal growth and regrowth and this is when women will start to notice that they are losing more hair than usual.

Generally, this build up of DHT on the hair follicles takes some time so a woman will only see a gradual increase in their hair loss. The build up also causes the follicles to shrink and so the pattern for natural growth in a person begins to alter. Often as this happens, a woman is likely to notice that they are beginning to suffer from female pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia if you wish to use its medical name.

Even though the cause of this form of baldness in women is much the same way as it is in men, the pattern of the baldness is different. With women their baldness will be somewhat diffused and generally occurs as a thinning of the hair on top of the scalp. On the other hand men will normally start to lose it completely from specific areas of the head, namely at the crown or around the temple or at the back.

The other main difference between the female version and the male version of pattern baldness is that men usually only start to suffer from it as they grow older. However, for women they can suffer from this kind of hair loss at any stage of their lives. In some cases it may well be that the loss has been caused by some other underlying medical condition that they have.

As well as the above, there are other reasons as to why a woman may suffer from it. Certainly, when it comes to deciding what the cause of female hair loss is in a particular woman it may come down to a number of different factors. With Some women, the cause can be from a traumatic event in their lives, whilst for others it could be down to some kind of medical condition or treatment.

Do not Delay in learning more about how to regrow your hair naturally, Reviews of Natural hair loss solutions

Visit Common Cause Of Female Hair Loss [] For more info on hair loss. I have found this great site dealing with hair loss,, I found this to be an excellent resource for learning more about hair loss.

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MinoxidilMax: DualGen5 Without Propylene Glycol - 5% Minoxidil & 5% Azelaic Acid for Hair Regrowth / Hair Loss***Included in the Package: One bottle of 2 oz (60 mL) DualGen5 without Propylene Glycol that contains 5% minoxidil (i.e. 3 grams of minoxidil in each bottle) and 5% Azelaic acid (i.e. 3 grams of Azelaic acid in each bottle) topical solution. It is sufficient for 1~2 months of usage. One glass dropper with 0.5 and 1.0 mL mark for accurate delivery of solution to the scalp you want to treat. ***How to use? Apply up to 1 mL of this product to your scalp that has hair loss using the included dropper; twice a day and at least 8 hours apart between the two applications. Alternatively, this product can be used in conjunction with a higher strength minoxidil solution (such as DualGen15 or DualGen10). In this case, you will apply this product once daily and the higher strength of Minoxidil solution once daily as well. The two applications should be at least eight hours apart. This product contains glycerin instead of propylene glycol and takes longer to dry than DualGen5. ***DualGen is the trademark of MinoxidilMax for the hair loss topical solution that has both minoxidil and azelaic acid.


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Provillus Hair Support for Women Minoxidil Solution (Two Month Supply)If your hair loss is due to Female Pattern Baldness, (FPB) a genetic train, then Provillus is for you. If the women in your family have thinning hair, your hair loss is probably genetic. Provillus is designed to help with FPB. It contains the only ingredient approved by the FDA to help with hair re-growth. If your hair loss is caused by pregnancy, certain medications, cancer treatment, or the after-effects of illness, please consult with your doctor. In most cases this type of hair loss is temporary. Provillus for Women Topical Solution Ingredients You'll receive a bottle of Provillus solution, which contains 2% Minoxidil, the FDA approved ingredient for hair re-growth. Gently massage one dropper full of this solution into your affected areas every morning and every night. This stimulates your hair follicles from outside to in. Your hair must be dry when you do this. Be sure to wash your hands after application.

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Women's Rogaine Hair Regrowth Treatment(Product received may temporarily differ from image shown due to packaging update. Image will be revised, shortly)
Clinically Proven to Help Regrow Hair
2% Minoxidil Topical Solution
Clinically Proven to Help Regrow Hair
Revitalizes Hair Follicles
Three Month Supply: 3 - 60 mL (2 fl oz) Bottles
Women's Rogaine® is for women who have a general thinning of hair on the top of the scalp as shown. Women's Rogaine® has been shown to regrow hair in women with the following degrees of thinning hair or hair loss.
If women have more hair loss than shown above, Women's Rogaine® may not work. (see box)
Do not use if you have patchy hair loss as shown above. (see box)
This Package Contains:
Three 60 mL (2 fl oz) Bottles of Women's Rogaine® (three month supply)
One child-resistant dropper applicator
Information booklet with complete directions on how to use and obtain best results
Questions? Call 1-800-ROGAINE (1-800-764-2463) or visit

Price: $42.99

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Alter EGO New Nequal Anti-hair Loss Intensive Lotion FemaleneQual ANTI-HAIR LOSS INTENSIVE LOTION FEMALE Intenisve regenerating lotion useful in helping to prevent hair loss. The extracts of Coral Seaweed (Corallina Officinals) and specific herbs help restore equlibrium and purify the scalp. Its specific formula with Soya and Wheat Proteins, helps nourish the hair bulb, reactivate the microcirculation and increase the exchange of oxygen. Intensive treatment recommended for hair loss due to physiological and/or pathological causes. USE: after cleansing with Shampoo Active Therapy, apply to the scalp and gently massage. Do not rinse off. INGREDIENTI (INCI E.U./INCI U.S.A): Aqua (Water), Alcohol Den, (Alcohol), Hydrolized Soy Protein, Propylene Glycol, Menthol, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Hydrolized Corallina Officinalis, Hydrolyzed Wheat Gluten Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Urtica Diolca Extract(Urtica Dioica (Nettle) Extracts), Diazolidinyl Urea, Methyl Nicotinate, limonene, Linalool, Methylparaben, Rosmarinus Officinalis Labiatae (Rosemary Extract), Hexyl Cinnmal, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Tetrasodium Edta, Propylparaben, Citronellol, Citral, Simethicone, Puo Contenere / May Contain / Peut Contenir / Puede Contener / Pode Conter / Sie Kann Beinhalten. CONTAINS : 10 ml / 12 phials Made in Italy

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Provillus Hair Support for Women Kits (Two Month Supply)If your hair loss is due to Female Pattern Baldness, (FPB) a genetic train, then Provillus is for you. If the women in your family have thinning hair, your hair loss is probably genetic. Provillus is designed to help with FPB. It contains the only ingredient approved by the FDA to help with hair re-growth. If your hair loss is caused by pregnancy, certain medications, cancer treatment, or the after-effects of illness, please consult with your doctor. In most cases this type of hair loss is temporary. Provillus Hair Growth System works in two ways to protect your hair. Provillus topical solution with Minoxidil to be used twice a day. Provillus dietary supplement with hair nourishment. Take one capsule twice a day. Provillus for Women Topical Solution Ingredients You'll receive a bottle of Provillus solution, which contains 2% Minoxidil, the FDA approved ingredient for hair re-growth. Gently massage one dropper full of this solution into your affected areas every morning and every night. This stimulates your hair follicles from outside to in. Your hair must be dry when you do this. Be sure to wash your hands after application. Provillus for Women Dietary Supplement Strong, healthy hair is a result of good nutrition. Our formula features the vitamins, minerals and herbs targeted for hair growth and vitality. Take one capsule every night and every morning to help stimulate hair growth from inside to out. These natural herbs, minerals and vitamins will nourish your hair follicles. 

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Today it's almost as common for woman to experience hair loss as men. Since looks are usually much more important to woman then men hair loss can have a severe psychological effect. For men, it can be a relatively normal part of life; however it's almost impossible for woman to be socially acceptable when they have no or thinning hair.

There are many reasons why some women experience hair loss. Some of these reasons can be the same as men. For example, certain medications can have an effect on hair loss. Often times, just like with men, hair loss can be hereditary. Pattern baldness can be passed down from one generation to the next and isn't gender specific.

However there are a few reasons that are very specific to woman only. For example menopause, can be a cause of hair loss in women. Unlike some things that are preventable, menopause is a natural part of a woman's life cycle.

Often times people don't notice hair loss in woman as much as they do in men. It's much more fashionable for woman to wear hats and scarves, while men generally don't do so. Woman can also run into psychological problems, related to losing their hair. Because of this counseling becomes something else that women need to be aware of. However it may be a good thing to see a counselor if the trauma because too great.

So what can you do? It's importance to understand that, while many times it's unpreventable. There are steps that you can take to minimize the impact of hair loss. It's a good idea to see a doctor. If they feel that it's necessary they can refer you to a specialist. Keep in mind that there may be side effects to any treatment options. However with the help of your doctor or specialist you should be able to choose the treatment that's right for you.

For more hair loss prevention tips, please visit: Hair Loss Solutions a website that specializes in combating hair loss and hair loss from menopause

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It's surprising how many people ignore the effect of hair loss when it comes to their work success. Take for example networking to promote business opportunities. Socializing at gathering or passing out business cards meeting new people is associated with a person first impression. At initial meeting, a bald head or beautiful full hair style also will be a lasting impression associated with man or woman.

Hair loss baldness thinning hair is not looked at as an attractive persona specifically hair loss in women ( ). Several researches found consideration for job promotion is adversely affected due to today social norm that hair is beautiful. Old is a taboo.

Like all forms of marketing, personal appearance gives a clear message that measures success. The question that should be contemplated is "What do you want to accomplish reflected with you look?" Youth and beauty oriented society does not look favorably on bald thin hair. Looking at drug company sale reps, most are young looking, well dressed and well groomed. The rep reflects the company products or services. Rarely a rep will be bald while representing major drug company or a thin haired woman representing a drug portfolio.

With personal or career goals outlined, determine what how to improve personal look to gain success. Focusing on areas that need updating like clothing, weight problem and hair can help. Updated outfit styles reflect youthfulness and market trends. Reflecting a connection to today's youthful oriented society can be done by a minor cosmetic redo like health exercise routine to trim body, or filling hair loss area with hair piece. Today use of plastic surgeries like hair transplants ( ) is on the rise. Hair style makeover can pick up moral and look. Doctors recommend lots of exercise and meditation for relaxation to prolong life with less stress and less wrinkles.

The key ingredient is a youth look. A person's age may still show the years, but starting with personal appearance changes, gives the journey in the business world one step ahead. And a sharp personal appearance result in something far more significant than just making a promotion or hire... a personal youthful appearance.


Marketing solutions for sites such as loss sites (, hair transplants ( or art (

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The loss of hair is a natural part of aging. When hair reduction becomes a problem for you, you should know that there are treatments that can be very beneficial. The effectiveness of some products may be affected by the severity of your hair problems. The causes for a woman with hair loss can be almost as troublesome as the loss of hair, even more. If treatment begins early in the hair reduction process, it may be possible to not only stop the hair loss, but re-grow hair. Products do exist for a woman and the loss of hair. .

Hair Problems In Woman

Hair loss in women does not occur in the same way as it does in men. Women will usually first notice that their hair all over the head begins to thin out. Then a few more hairs than usual will come out in your comb or brush or on your pillow. A woman's hair generally falls into a pattern creating a part. There will be balding along the part.

Causes of Hair Fal Out

Hair rotting can be caused by the use of birth control, pregnancy, and child birth. Physical and emotional stress, illnesses, and trauma can also trigger hair loss. Menopause is another possible culprit. It is believed that the erratic hormonal changes that occur do not permit hair to grow by affecting the hair follicles. Once these conditions are ended or stabilize, hair may grow back but it will take some time for it to be noticeable.

Medications are another possible trigger. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment drugs are the most known drugs to cause the loss of hair. After these treatments are finished, you will likely see new hair growth over time. The texture and quality of your hair may be different than before the treatments.

Heredity is another known cause of hair ailments. If a woman's parent experiences hair problems, chances are she herself might have a similar type of hair problem. It may be possible to prevent further hair reduction and it may even be possible for some re-growth to occur.


Topical treatments are applied directly to the scalp up to twice a day. These include minoxidil and finasteride, the most commonly used treatments. There are also natural topicals available.

Oral medications may be used to treat hair loss. Anti-inflammatories and anti-depressants may be used to reduce scalp irritation. If you are a menopausal or post-menopausal woman, hormone therapy might be beneficial not only to your menopausal symptoms but your hair loss. There are natural products available to use as well.

Probably the cheapest and safest hair problem treatment is the use of wigs, hair pieces, weaves, or extensions. There are absolutely no side effects. The only warning is that these things should not be adhered to the scalp because the scalp could become irritated and/or infected which could cause loss of hair, the very thing you are seeking to treat.

The best option for you is to discuss your options with your physician. Together, you can decide which hair loss product for a woman would be most appropriate for your needs. Hair re-growth might not be possible in all cases, but it may be possible to at least arrest the development of further hair ailments.


Having problem with your hair is troublesome for anyone who experiences it. There are treatments available to stop further loss of hair and for some cause the growth of new hair. Hair loss products for a woman are available. Treatments for a woman with hair loss could include topicals, medications, or the use of wigs and hair pieces. There are natural products available for those who wish to hopefully avoid side effects that come with many medications. Baldness no longer has to be inevitable and when treated, early treatments may be more effective.

Jean Helmet is a researcher of hair loss issues effecting both men and women. To learn about a new natural hair loss remedy that Jean recently discovered and how it contrasts with some other common hair treatment options - Be sure to visit the highly informational short video at:

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More and more women are losing their hair in America, thus making the urgency for hair loss remedies for women even more important. Over twenty-five million women in America have female baldness, and this can cause horrible problems for them in the social and personal lives. Why is it so distressful? In our society men lose their hair all the time, and we are used to it, but when a woman loses her hair it is even more disturbing.

Most women lose their hair because of hormonal problems, anxiety, stress, and genetic problems. The good thing for them is that if they can fix these issues then they can grow their hair back with hair loss remedies for women. Men, however, aren't so lucky, and there are no proven methods for men to grow their hair again.

When a woman ages, she goes through menopause, and this can be a big cause for hair loss. The woman's body becomes more man-like and hormones like androgens become more prevalent. This can cause a woman's hair to fall out, thus making hair loss remedies for women more important.

However, a lot of women are unaware that there are many different hair loss remedies for women. This market is much more successful for women because the medicine actually works and can help women grow back their hair to the same as it was before it started thinning.

The best remedies involve vitamins and nutrients to make the hair grow back stronger and better than before. This means that the woman can take the vitamins orally and daily. This will make your hair grow back even better than before.

The worst part for women losing their hair is when it starts thinning and becoming noticeable. The best part is that hair remedies for women can quickly and effectively help fix this problem before it gets worse. The balding usually happens on the top of the woman's head, unlike men where it happens in the front.

1. Of course hormones cause a lot of this to happen. If the situation becomes worse than a woman can take hormones and other hair loss remedies for women.

2. There are great ways that a woman can help keep her hair and use natural remedies. She can massage her scalp every day with oil found in natural home remedy stores. The oil can get rid of the old skin and help hydrate the scalp. Also, when you wash your hair you can also pay attention to massaging as well.

3. Other good remedies involve not putting your hair up because the stress can pull on the hair, causing it to fall out. Also don't do anything unnatural to your hair like dying it, or curling it. Just leaving your hair alone can be one of the best hair loss remedies for women.

Of course hair loss is a very complicated and serious issue. For more information about a Hair Loss Cure please visit us at

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Hair loss has become one of the major problems of every woman in the world. It is one of the biggest problem which treatment is also a headache and it have to be taken care with lots of cautions. There are many treatments for hair loss and one must go for them as soon as they find the symptoms in them. Hairs have to be taken good care like an infant. Like an infant needs good and intensive care, your hair also needs care and conditioning from time to time.

Hair is precious for nearly everyone. The beauty of someone's locks actually defines the beauty and look of an individual. Especially for women, hair can be more precious to them than any other part of their body. Every woman wants to look beautiful and wants their hair to shine and be lustrous and thick. To have great locks, it is necessary to take good care of them. From oiling to hair wash and conditioning, they should be cared always like a new born baby, with intense care and love too.

Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. Alopecia tends to be involuntary and unwelcome. There are three main types of hair thinning and loss are namely, androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata and traumatic alopecia. There are many causes of hair loss in women. For each woman, the causes of hair thinning and loss are different. Some causes of hair loss in women are poor nutrition i. E. Lack of essential minerals and vitamins in the diet. A scalp infection can also causes hair loss.

The major cause of hair loss is use of chemicals and acids. Nowadays woman go for curling or straightening and use many and innumerable types of chemicals and acids which affect the hair negatively. Although there are chemicals in shampoo and conditioner we use, but we must use as less chemicals for our hairs as we can. Curling and straightening for a while looks good on woman's face, will damage your remaining hair to a large extent.

There are many good treatments for hair and they are doctor recommended too. Minoxidil is a topically applied solution that stimulates hair growth and Anthralin is another treatment for hair loss. These are recommended by physicians and can be applied as treatment for hair.

Treatment for hair loss can start from your own efforts. As much oiling as you will do, it will nourishes your hair and will stimulate them. The scalp soaks the oil and helps the hair to grow strongly from the scalp. Head massages or spa is also a good treatment for hair as it relaxes your mind and scalp.

There are many home remedies that can be done to avoid hair loss. Don't wait for your hair to fall out before you take care of the problem. Oiling to hair is like air to body. Proper oiling to hair will nourish them and helps the scalp to soak some proteins and minerals. The selection of shampoo and conditioner must also be wise and good. Do not use a shampoo for more than six months as hairs becomes used to the product and the chemical, which is not good for it.

The best advice for treatment of hair loss for women is firstly she must visit a hair specialist or a doctor and examine her health there. Hair is a very beautiful part of a human body and it means very much to a woman. Just like her self esteem, maintenance of hair is also very crucial and important to her. Stress is a major cause of problems and it is also the prime reason for hair thinning and loss. Try to avoid stress as much as you can to avoid hair thinning and loss.

Click here to learn more about Hair Loss Treatment For Women.

Click here for more about Female Thinning Hair.

Vanessa Vera wanted to know everything there was to know about how to stop her own hair from thinning in order to make it stop. These articles and were the result of her extensive research and quest to get her own hair back.

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Mostly, hair loss occurs in man but it can occur in woman as well. Losing hair in woman is a very difficult situation, since woman always want to look attractive and beautiful.

Hair loss is a problem, especially to woman. Woman who losses her hair can cause psychological problem. It can make her change her feelings about herself and with her partner as well.

But you see, having hair loss problem doesn't mean that you will jump off the building. It's not the end of the world yet! There are a lot of ways in order to treat your problem. You just have to pick which one you prefer.

Now with our modern days, there is a new method use to treat hair loss, this is hair transplant. Hair transplant works by removing tiny groupings of hair from the area that hair still grows thick. The hair plugs then be placed on the bald areas in order to regrow. This hair transplant can be done in several sessions. It is quite expensive.

There are some chances of having side effects like development of scars or some infection. But the overall procedure is excellent and the results are permanent.

Another way is by using finasteride. Finasteride is an effective way in hair loss to men. There are some studies shown that it is effective for women as well. This is sometimes refered to us as Propecia or Proscar. It is taken orally. But it would be advisable that to consult you doctor before using this method. There are chances of hormonal failures in using this method.

You can also use herbal remedy on your hair loss problem. Provillus is a healthy support for men and women who are having problems with hair loss. Provillus for women can aggressively seed your scalp in order to create the optimum environment for a healthy, new hair. It works by supplying the right nutrition so to bring dead hair follicles back to life and it can help to prevent hair loss to occur again. Provillus for men works by blocking DHT (dihydrotestostrone) in getting to your body, since this DHT is actually one of the main causes of hair loss to men, so it works in blocking it in order to prevent hair loss to men.

Minoxidil is also another medication for hair loss; this is commonly known as Rogaine. The users of this medication need to wait until six months in order to see the effect.

So you see that there are a lot of medications or methods you can use in order to prevent or solve this problem. Actually there are a lot of brands and a lot of kinds of medications for hair loss. But you have to choose which one that you prefer to help you out with your problem in hair loss.

But it is very important that you consult your doctor before taking any medications or methods. Your doctor can help you out with your problem, he can tell which method or medication that is going to be effective with your hair loss.

To those women out there who are suffering from hair loss, do not lose hope, and do not despair with this problem. There are a lot of solutions out there; find out what will be the best medication for you.

Article Author Eliza Maledevic from, a SEO Company.Visit our Herbal Remedies Sites at &

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NEW Women's (Extra Strength) Minoxidil 3% Azelaic Acid 1.5% DHT Inhibitor, Retinol Enhanced(Professionally Formulated)A hair regrowth topical specifically formulated for women who experience thinning and signs of baldness on the crown (vertex) and frontal areas of the scalp. All products are professionally formulated & manufactured in an FDA-registered cGMP compliant facility. Hair loss in women has not been well understood, however it has been associated with genetic predisposition, aging, and levels of endocrine hormones (particularly androgens, the male sex hormone). Recent research has shown that an excess amount of androgen in the system or a sensitized "over-response" to normal amounts of androgen may be one of the major causes of hair loss in women. The higher strength Women's 3% topical works to help prevent further damage caused by prolonged androgens, and to promote hair growth from follicles which have been dormant, but are still viable. Azelaic Acid: Has been proven to be a strong inhibitor of the enzyme 5-AR( 5-Alpha Reductase). DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is a by-product of testosterone, the male hormone. The scalp produces an enzyme known as 5-AR. When 5-AR reacts with testosterone, it is converted into DHT, which is the primary reason for damaged, shrunken follicles leading to a significant reduction in hair on the scalp. As a non-toxic, non-carcinogenic substance, azelaic acid is also a free-radical scavenger having excellent antibacterial activity. Azelaic has the ability to normalize improper growth of skin cells lining the hair follicle, leading to increased hair growth and decreased hair shed. Retinol: Has shown to increase the absorption and effectiveness of minoxidil. Dermatologists found that coupling retinol (vitamin A) with Minoxidil produced significantly better results than Minoxidil alone. The retinol controls proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands produce sebum containing DHT, which is reabsorbed into the hair follicle causing further damage. Proper moderation of the sebaceous glands will regulate scalp DHT levels.

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Nisim Shampoo for Hair Loss Normal to Oily Hair Shampoo 8 oz.NISIMs very deep-cleansing shampoos have been purposely formulated to effectively neutralize and remove perspiration, surface oils and most importantly harmful dihydrotestosterone D.H.T. These special deep-cleansing shampoos will quickly bring excessive hair loss under control and contribute to a stronger and healthier follicle Shampoo controls excessive hair loss!! Neutralizes and controls the cause of premature or excessive hair loss. NISIM is the most researched, proven, and documented products available anywhere. Works great on people who have under gone chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Not a Drug! SAFE to use with NO ill side effects Concentrate products last longerand are less expensive!

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Ds Laboratories Spectral.dnc-l Topical Treatment for Advanced Stages of BaldnesSpectral.DNC-L combines all the latest science into one aggressive hair-growth treatment. More than minoxidil alone. More than any single drug. Spectral.DNC-L — today's most advanced hair-growth treatment — combines all the latest science into one convenient formula to perform through multiple pathways. A true breakthrough, Spectral.DNC-L delivers the most aggressive, most powerful, most effective topical treatment to retain and regrow hair because it fuses a broad spectrum of clinically proven compounds. This recipe is not like any other product available over the counter or by prescription. Spectral.DNC-L deposits cutting-edge ingredients deep below the surface of the scalp, where they can really perform, through proprietary nanosome encapsulation. These tiny nanosomes — micro-spheres of organic liposome 200 times smaller than human skin cells — have a composition similar to skin. Unlike common lotions, they burrow into the dermis to release their precious cargo slowly over time, for maximum effect. In a cream base for easy application without dripping, Spectral.DNC-L starts with research-grade 5% minoxidil, the best-known molecule proven by clinical trials to trigger hair growth. Then it adds three natural 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors to suppress the hormone dihydrotestosterone that triggers male pattern baldness. It pioneers use of the amino acid arginine to stimulate nitric oxide formation, mediate cell activity, and feed hungry follicles. An army of auxiliary agents reinforce these ingredients. Natural botanicals combat fungal colonization and reduce sebum. Soothing retinol calms inflamed tissues. Aminexil SP94 strengthens roots. Vitamins and minerals contribute to nutrition. Capsicum stimulates. This coordinated attack against baldness means that Spectral.DNC-L protects against damage, slows hair loss, improves follicle health, and grows new hair longer, thicker, and faster than any other product.

Price: $39.37

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Rene Furterer Forticea Stimulating Shampoo 5.07 fl oz (150 ml)Compliments to thin hair treatments | Frequent use
With essential oil biospheres
Forticea Stimulating shampoo complements Rene Furterer programs for thin hair ~ Triphasic and RF80 ~ to maximize their effectiveness. Rene Furterer recommends massaging the scalp while shampooing in order to release the essential oils contained in the biospheres and improve the penetration of invigorating peptides through increased blood circulation. Rich and concentrated, this PH-neutral shampoo respects the scalp's natural balance and provides volume and strength to the hair.
Made in France

Price: $23.00

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It is normal to lose between 50-100 hairs a day, this is part of the hair renewal process. However most people suffer from excessive hair loss at one time in their life. There are many reasons for this including medication, radiation, chemotherapy, exposure to chemicals, hormonal and nutritional factors, thyroid disease, generalized or local skin disease, and stress.

Many of these causes are temporary and a few are permanent. These are some of the more common reason for hair loss.


Since hormones both stimulate hair growth and cause hair loss, hormonal changes by far have the biggest impact on hair loss. These can affect both men and women in the following ways:

This is the most common cause of thinning and affects both men and women. Men generally have hair loss concentrated in a specific pattern from the front through to the crown. Women tend to have thinning throughout their head without being in any specific pattern. This type of hair loss is caused by the androgen DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone. Since everyone has DHT that is produced by their bodies and only some people suffer from hair loss there has to be another factor involved. This other factor is having follicles that have a greater number of Androgen receptors for the DHT to attach to. This is the component that is inherited through the genes. To date the most effective preventative treatments are anti androgens, drugs that prevent the creation of DHT. In the future gene therapy will one day be able to alter the genes to prevent the follicles from being affected by DHT.


After pregnancy many women experience a loss of hair, this is caused many hair simultaneously entering the resting (telogen) phase. Within two to three months after giving birth, some women will notice large amounts of hair coming out in their brushes and combs. This can last one to six months, but resolves completely in most cases. This condition is caused by the hormonal changes that take place after a woman's body recovers from her pregnancy.

Birth control pills

Women who have a genetic predisposition to suffer from Androgenic Alopecia can have it occur at a much younger age by taking birth control pills. The hormonal changes that occur trigger the onset of the Androgenic Alopecia. If a woman has a history of female pattern loss in her family she should advise her doctor before going on the pill. After the discontinuation of the pill the woman may notice that her hair begins shedding two or three months later. This may continue for six months when it usually stops. In some cases the process cannot be reversed and the woman may not regrow some of the hair that was lost.


Since the follicle is a very sensitive it does respond to imbalances in the body. Most hair loss causes by disease or illness is temporary and resolves itself after the body has returned to a healthy condition.

High fever, severe infection, severe flu

Sometimes one to three months after a high fever, severe infection or flu, a person may experience hair loss, this is usually temporary and corrects itself.

Thyroid disease

Both an overactive thyroid and an underactive thyroid can cause hair loss. Thyroid disease can be diagnosed by your physician with laboratory tests. Hair loss associated with thyroid disease can be reversed with proper treatment.

Deficient diet

Some people who go on low protein diets, or have severely abnormal eating habits, may develop protein malnutrition. To help save protein the body shifts growing hair into the resting phase. If this happens massive amounts of hair shedding can occur two to three months later. A sign of this is if the hair can be pulled out by the roots fairly easily. This condition can be reversed and prevented by eating the proper amount of protein. Its very important when dieting to maintain an adequate protein intake.


Some prescription drugs may cause temporary hair shedding in a small percentage of people. Examples of such drugs include some of the medicines used for the following: gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems, high blood pressure, or blood thinner. High doses of vitamin A may also cause hair shedding.

Cancer treatments

Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will cause hair loss because it stops hair cells from dividing. Hairs become thin and break off as they exit the scalp. This occurs one to three weeks after the treatment. Patients can lose up to 90 percent of their scalp hair. The hair will regrow after treatment ends and patients may want to get wigs before treatment. There are some drugs in development to help prevent this hair loss from occurring.

Low serum iron

Iron deficiency occasionally produces hair loss. Some people don't have enough iron in their diets or may not fully absorb iron in their diets. Women who have heavy menstrual periods may develop iron deficiency. Low iron can be detected by laboratory tests and can be corrected by taking iron pills.

Major surgery/chronic illness

Anyone who has a major operation - a tremendous shock to the system - may notice increased hair shedding within one to three months afterwards. The condition reverses itself within a few months but people who have a severe chronic illness may shed hair indefinitely. A relatively unknown fact is that hair transplantation surgery can actually cause additional hair loss or "shock fallout". Hairs lost from shock fallout usually don't regrow.

Alopecia Areata

This type of hair loss is believed to be caused by the immune system reacting to hair follicles as if they were antibodies and shutting them down. The hair loss is usually limited to a coin sized area and all the hair in the area is lost leaving a totally smooth round patch. In a more severe rarer condition called Alopecia Totalis, all hair on the entire body is lost, including the eyelashes. Treatments include topical medications, a special kind of light treatment, or in some cases drugs.

Fungus Infection (Ringworm) of the scalp

Caused by a fungus infection, ringworm (which has nothing to do with worms) begins with small patches of scaling that can spread and result in broken hair, redness, swelling, and even oozing. This contagious disease is most common in children and oral medication will cure it.


n cause hair loss is some people. Usually it occurs 3 months after the stressful event has occured and it may take 3 months after the stress period has ended for the hair growth to resume. In most cases it is temporary if the person is not predisposed to genetic or Androgenic Alopecia, if they are stress may trigger the onset of genetic hair loss or may worsen existing Androgenic hair loss.


Damage to the hair can be self inflicted either by intentional or unintentional means. Some people going through stress continuously pull at their hair until it comes out. Styling hair by bleaching, braiding and straightening can also cause damage and results in hair being lost.

Trichotillomania or Hair Pulling

Some children and less often adults play with their hair by pulling on it or twisting it. This can be part of a behavioral problem or a bad habit that is often done unconsciously. If the behavior is not stopped permanent hair loss can result from the constant stress on the hair. Its best to seek the help of a mental health professional to solve this problem.

Hair Styling Treatments

Many people change the appearance of their hair by using chemical treatments like dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, relaxers and permanent waves. If correctly done and done using reputable products, its rare to have any damage. However, hair can become weak and break if any of these chemicals are used too often. Hair can also break if the solution is left on too long, if two procedures are done on the same day, or if bleach is applied to previously bleached hair. Some chemical relaxers do contain powerful chemicals and there have been instances of people get chemical burns from these products resulting in permanent hair loss. Only go to qualified hair stylists and if doing it yourself make sure you only use reputable products and follow the product directions.

Hair Braids/Weaves

Many black women and some black men braid their hair or wear hair weaves. Under normal conditions these cause no problems. However if the weave is attached too tight or the braids are wrapped too tight, they put a constant strain on the hair follicle. If this is done for an extended period of time permanent hair loss can result. This is known as Traction Alopecia and is fairly common among people who braid or weave their hair. Make sure the person applying the braids or weave is qualified to do so and don't wear braids or weaves continuously for extended periods of time.

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XP 12 Better than Laser Comb or Laser Brush. Laser Hair Stimulation to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Hair!Hand held lasers are one of the standard methods of delivery for most hair lasers available for in-home use. Hand held lasers are the ideal choice for those suffering with minimal hair loss and or those seeking treatment while traveling. Low Level Lasers "energize" the scalp tissue since light is a form of energy. For example, laser light on scalp and hair follicles provides high levels of light which are used by the cells in the scalp and hair to assist in the normal chemical processes performed by those cells. The scientific term for this is photobiostimulation. laser light penetrates into soft tissue and increases the action of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that is a major carrier of energy from one reaction site to another in all living cells. By doing so, laser light increases the energy available to cells so they take in nutrients faster and get rid of waste products. If you are concerned about your hair, the earlier you start using a Hair Growth Laser the better. The longer a person with thinning, lifeless hair waits to seek treatment the more risk taken in not being able to reverse the problem. Hair laser therapy has been shown to be effective in over 90% of its patience achieving a fuller, thicker more luxurious head of hair. It is proven that skin cells like light and your hair is just the same. Both men and women of all ages can benefit from laser light therapy provided by our Hair Growth Laser devices. Laser hair therapy is the long anticipated technology, for the latest refinement in preventative hair care for men and women.

Price: $199.00

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