Hair Loss in Women Causes

Hair Loss in women can be caused by a number of factors. In this blog I’m going to give you a brief explanation of each of the likely causes and how they can be effectively dealt with.

Lifestyles Lead to Hair Loss

It seems as though the workforce wasn’t the only thing women were getting themselves in for when the battle of the sexes began. Today, through no want of their own, women are up there with men when it comes to hair loss and it seems they’re being affected at a younger age....

Rogaine for Women

Extra unwanted hair in women is a side effect of Rogaine, but as long as you use it as directed, you should be fine....

Hair Treatment for Women

Women who experience hair loss can feel embarrassed and be anxious about what to do and who to turn to. Knowing what treatments are available however is only half the solution. Not everyone’s situation is the same and women will need to know which individual approach will be most suited to them and give them the results they desire....

Hair Loss Success Stories

In some cases hair loss cannot be treated or hair density may have been poor for so many years it has become irreversible. However, even when thin hair has become a long-standing problem, there are still cosmetic products that can help a woman’s confidence....

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Hair loss is not often thought of in women. It is usually a man that is thought about when hair loss is mentioned. The truth of the matter is that women lose their hair frequently. It can be much more devastating to a woman to lose her hair. Women tend to hold all of their confidence in their appearance. It might not be the most appropriate source of self-esteem, but it is the truth for many women.

Women also tend to primp and fuss over their appearance more frequently than men do. When there is a hair loss a woman might be unsure of how she should act. Loss of self-confidence is a big problem for women who are losing their hair.

The esteem and self-confidence problem are the biggest issues a woman will have to deal with when she is having a hair loss. There has been some research in this field and treatments have been developed for hair loss in women. It will all depend on the reason for the hair loss, however. A woman should schedule an appointment with the doctor to determine the cause of the hair loss.

The reasons that a woman would lose her hair are different than a man's reasons. Genetics is the cause of male hair loss, for women the reasons are varied.

Stress is the biggest factor in hair loss in women. If a woman is losing her hair, she should do what she can to reduce the amount of stress that she is experiencing. The other reasons that women may experience a hair loss are hormonal, diet, medication, or illness.

Women today lead very stressful lives. There are women who are juggling multiple roles and trying to keep everything together at the same time. Job, husband and children can all keep a woman very busy. Most women will put the needs of everyone else ahead of her own and as a result her health might be compromised. Diet will be poor and she most likely does not get the proper amount of rest.

For hair to be healthy and strong a woman needs to meet all of her nutritional requirements. When someone is experiencing malnutrition, the hair is often the first place that the effects can be seen.

It is very important that a woman go to see her doctor when she notices that she is losing her hair. There are sometimes illnesses that could be the cause. If the doctor is able to diagnose an illness there is most likely a treatment that could prevent further hair loss.

Aging will cause a loss of hair in women as well. There is an age when a woman will notice that her hair is becoming thinner and falling out. This is generally around fifty. A dermatologist can prescribe something to help with this type of hair loss.

Hormonal imbalances can cause a woman's hair to fall out also. This is something that the doctor can help with. There are hormone replacements and medications that will help with the hair loss that is caused by a hormone problem.

For those women who are taking a medication, this could also be the source of hair loss. Find out if the side effects of the medication you are taking could include hair loss. It is possible that the doctor can discontinue the medication or change it to something else.

Peter Geisheker is the CEO of The Geisheker Group marketing company.

Peter develops and implements strategic marketing programs for businesses including hair loss treatment and female hair loss.

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Despite what many may think hair loss and menopause go hand in hand. It has been proven that as a woman ages and begins to reach menopausal age, she goes through hormonal changes that have been linked directly to hairloss. Hair loss menopause is a concern for many women, bringing embarrassing moments that they can, and should avoid.

As a woman's body ages, it stops producing the high levels of progesterone, a female hormone that keeps hair, bones and skin looking young. When their bodies lose progesterone, many times, their body produces higher levels of androgen hormones-male hormones, like DHT and testosterone are increased. When a woman loses her estrogen and progesterone, the male hormones take over, producing man-like features.

These androgen hormones cause a change in the pH level of women's hair follicles, which causes them to start shrinking. When this happens, a woman will begin to notice that her hair is thinning out. This typically occurs in a pattern across the top of a woman's head but may begin thinning all over her head.

As the hair follicles shrinks, eventually disappearing and dying off, the remaining hair covers less and less of the scalp. This problem of hairloss, menopause induced can actually be treated and reduced. You can reverse the process of hair loss when you take a supplement that will help block the productions of DHT in your body. Most supplements will begin working fairly quickly.

The pattern of hairloss is cut off at the knees and these supplements should allow the hair to eventually return to its natural premenopausal levels. The hair goes through a process that involves an active period, a dormant period and then a period of re-growth. The right supplement will stimulate your hair follicles and begin the re-growth period as quickly as possible.

Of course, you should always speak to your physician about any sort of issues with hair loss. Your doctor needs to run tests and ask you some questions in order to verify that your hair loss and thinning is due to menopause and not some other reason.

Lupus is a disease prevalent in women that causes hair loss. Your doctor can run a simple blood test to determine if this is the cause. There are also other environmental, emotional and physical reasons that some women begin to witness hair loss. Make sure that these can all be ruled out before you assume that menopause is the culprit.

When you've got hair loss, menopause induced or otherwise, don't fret. You can grow a full head of natural looking head of hair, once again. Make sure to take your supplements as doctor directed in order to gain their full benefit. Within a short period of time, you should begin to see your hair growing again.

Cliff is concerned with the well being of all readers, and believes in taking care of your health through: fresh foods, Exercise, Vitamins and supplements. Check-out his guide on hair loss menopause [], and learn more on how to maintain a healthy head of hair at [].

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Hair is often considered one of the most valuable physical assets of a woman, as it characterizes female beauty, and defines her sense of personal grooming. Every woman goes to great lengths to maintain healthy and beautiful hair.

That is why hair loss can often be depressing and demoralizing for most women. It is thought, stress is the cause of hair loss in women, and women are stressed further because of their falling hair, which can result in a vicious cycle of hair fall.

Generally, at any one of point of time, around ten percent of hair on the scalp stays in a resting position, which falls after two or three months. New hair then starts growing in its place.

This cycle continues for about two to six years. 'Alopecia', the medical term for hair loss, is a tendency that is usually prevalent in men, but surprisingly about two-thirds of women suffer from premature hair fall. There could be several reasons for the cause of hair loss in women.

Types Of Hair Loss:

There are four main types of hair loss that lead to thinning of hair in women. They are as follows:

Androgenetic Alopecia: It is one of the most common types of hair loss in women, which often appears prominently on the forehead, top and back of the head. Women do not lose all their hair, but it starts thinning slowly. Hair loss in this category begins on the crown of the head and then moves forward. Generally, the androgenetic hormone affects women with androgenetic alopecia.

Alopecia Areata: It is a disease of the immune system, which causes a severe patchy kind of hair loss. Generally, people suffering from this type of hair loss may have small bald spots, or lose all of the hair on their scalp. Although it can strike at any age, it usually begins in early childhood. When the immune system of the body attacks the hair growing cells, it leads to this cause of hair loss in women. It can affect adults and children of both sexes, but can be treated using immunotherapy drugs.

Telogen Effluvium: It is a sudden kind of hair loss, which is impermanent in nature. It is often caused by emotional stress, for example the death of a relative, or physical stress caused by chronic illness or surgery. Women generally notice the hair loss on their hairbrush or the shower floor. It is caused because the hair roots become inactive, and consequently hair from these roots starts falling. After a period of a month or two, new hair begins growing when the inactive hair roots become active again.

Traumatic Alopecia: This type of hair loss problem occurs because of many hair care practices, such as braiding the hair very tightly, or constant twisting and tugging of the hair.


A number of factors can contribute to the cause of hair loss in women. They are:

Hormonal problems: Hormonal problems often lead to hair loss in women. If hormones such as androgens and estrogens are not in proper balance, or the thyroid gland is overactive or under active, it may lead to excessive hair loss. However, the correction of the hormonal imbalance can help in stopping the hair loss.

Pregnancy: Pregnancy is one of the most common causes of hair loss in women. Usually, they start noticing the hair loss after three or four months of delivery. This form of hair loss is also related to hormones, as during pregnancy certain hormones prevent the falling out of hair. However, the normal cycle of hair growth resumes after four to six months of delivery.

Medication: Medication can also lead to hair loss in women. Some of the drugs that generally lead to hair loss could include blood thinners, medicine used for gout, chemotherapy to treat cancer, birth control pills, anti-depressants, and vitamin A if taken in an uncontrolled quantity. However, the hair loss could lessen if these medications are stopped.

Infection or underlying disease: Fungal infections of the scalp can be one of the major reasons for the cause of hair loss in women. It could even occur because of an inherent disease.

Telogen Effluvium: A change in the normal hair growth system followed by childbirth, crash dieting, operation, trauma or stress could also be one of the causes of hair loss in women.

Hair loss in women can often become a reason for their bad health and poor performance at work. Hair is a delicate part of the body that demands proper care and maintenance in order to remain healthy. Therefore, it is very important to discuss your hair loss problems with qualified doctors and hair specialists, to treat the root cause of hair loss, and your hair breathes life and shines with new vigor again.

Stop your hair loss and find what you need in the way of treatments for thinning hair loss and learn more about hair loss and menopause [] by clicking over to

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Are you losing your hair? Join the crowd. Nearly half the people who are losing their hair in the US are women. This can be an extremely traumatic event for a woman. It can happen any time in a woman's life, but many times happens after menopause. In this article, we'll take a look at causes of hair loss in women. We'll start by examining the normal hair growth cycle.

How Does My Hair Normally Grow?

A hair on your head has a normal lifespan of two to six years. This hair will grow about a half an inch a month. 90% of your hair is in this growing phase at any given time, with the remaining 10% in a resting phase. The resting phase lasts about two months, and then the hair falls out, to be replaced by a new hair. As you can see, losing a certain amount of hair every day is a normal occurance. But sometimes the new hair doesn't grow back properly, which can lead to thin spots. There can be a number of causes for this problem.

What Can Cause Thinning Hair In Women?

Hormones are the number one reason for excessive hair loss in women. Many women notice they start losing a lot of hair within three months of having a baby. This is a temporary condition that will reverse itself as the hormone levels even out and return to the pre-pregnancy levels. Hormones in birth control pills can also cause this problem. And women who have gone through menopause may have problems with thinning hair.

Lupus, thyroid problems, and diabetes can also cause a woman's hair to become thinner and more sparse. It's always good to have a check-up with your doctor to be sure you don't have any health issues causing the problem.

Chemotherapy drugs are only one medication that can cause women to lose hair. Other drugs include blood thinners, antidepressants, medications used to treat gout, and even too much vitamin A.

Some women wear their hair pulled back tightly into ponytails, buns, or cornrows. Anything that pulls at the hair tightly for a long period of time can lead to trauma to the hair follicles, which prevents new hair from growing in. The good news is that if you notice hair loss soon enough and change your hairstyle, your hair will usually regrow.

Female Pattern Baldness is a certain type of women's hair loss that can run in the family.

Is My Hair Loss Caused By Female Pattern Baldness?

If women in your family have a pattern of thinning hair, especially after menopause, you could have it too. Women lose hair differently than men do. Instead of becoming bald, women's hair usually becomes thinner, usually over the top and front of the head. This happens when the hair that regrows after normal shedding comes in shorter and shorter. Eventually the hair is so short that it look like "peach fuzz." This can be inherited from either side of your family.

Hair Loss Can Be Emotionally Devastating For Women

If a woman suffers from hair loss or thinning hair, it can deal a strong blow to her self-esteem. There are many causes for this condition, including hormones, medications, trauma to the hair, and heredity. Determining the cause is essential to choose the proper treatment.

Darlene Norris invites you to read What Women Need To Know About Hair Loss for facts on hair loss in women. Discover how you can prevent and treat this problem at

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You would be naive to think the biggest secret women in the UK keep from their husbands is new shoes. Many keep their hair loss problems in the closet too.

It may be surprising but hiding new shoe purchases in the back of the wardrobe or under the bed or cheating on a partner is so yesterday - when it comes to one of the biggest secrets UK women are trying to hide from their husbands, partners and boyfriends.

"One lady in her early thirties came to her first two appointments for hair loss treatment and then threatened not to come back anymore unless I provided a back door entrance to enter the clinic. She was worried and adamant she did not want her husband to know she was losing her hair and didn't want to risk someone recognising her coming into the clinic just in case they told him!"

"I offered to send her hair loss treatments in the post direct as an alternative but she was too scared just in case he opened the parcel. She now sends her friend in regularly to pick up her hair loss treatments", reveals a Trichologist.

Women seeking help and professional advice for hair loss problems is the new hidden purchase most females want to keep top secret from their other half's. In desperation, women are going to extremes to avoid being seen with their Trichologist.

One in three women, over the age of 16 suffer hair loss in the UK at some time in their lives - the most common age ranging from 25 to 45-year old.

Mrs Salter from the West Midlands said "I applied for a credit card especially to pay for my hair loss treatment bills, so my husband wouldn't see the Trichology clinics name on our joint bank statements."

"It is like having an affair but with my Trichologist", she adds.

Trichology is a professional field under-exposed and which few people are familiar with, even though it has been around since 1902 in the UK. The professions name originates from the ancient Greek work Trikhos meaning hair and is defined as the 'Science of scalp and hair in health and disease'. It's no wonder; women are finding it so easy to conceal their embarrassment from their partners to hide their hair loss treatments.

There are less than 50 full time Trichologists in practise across the UK who professionally advise on hair loss problems and scalp related issues in both men and women. Problems Trichologists can help with include; Alopecia Areata & Totalis, Diffuse Hair thinning, Female Pattern Baldness, Telogen Effluvium, Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, Scalp Eczema & Psoriasis, Seborrhoea, Scalp Itching and Hair Breakage & Damage.

Is women's hair loss treatment the new Botox? When botox was first introduced in the early 1980's it was an unspoken whisper between females who wanted a treatment or cure for their wrinkles. Now, women are almost proud to admit they have popped out to have their latest Botox injections or a little chemical peel in their lunch hour. So will treatment for women's hair loss ever be accepted as topic of conversation on a girls night out or between girlfriends and their husbands? Or are woman going to continue to go to extreme lengths to cover up their relationship with their trichologist?

Hopefully the day will come when women are proud to grace a Trichologists office and be open about their hair loss treatment with loved ones and partners.

Women go to great lengths to try and conceal their Trichologists appointments; they might as well be having an affair. The fact is these women are having hair loss treatment for a problem which can get better or sometimes even be cured with professional help. If more women opened up about their hair problems to their friends and husbands, then more women would know where to find help and be more confident about seeking hair loss treatment.

In some cases hair loss cannot be treated or hair density may have been poor for so many years it has become irreversible. However, even when thin hair has become a long-standing problem, there are still cosmetic products that can help a woman's confidence. Camouflage products exist to blend the colour of the scalp into the hair cosmetically masking the problem. Many women who use these products would no more go out of their house without their 'magic powder' than they would their handbag!

My advice is not to give up when it comes to hair loss; there is professional help available from qualified Trichologists. A huge percentage of women who suffer hair problems do not even know they exist. The most important thing I would tell any woman who is suffering hair loss, is do not be ashamed, you are not alone. At my own clinic I see around 250 new female patients a year, it is a really common problem. Hair loss is certainly not a 'dirty' word, tell your partners because they can help with the support which is needed at home. If a woman's husband, boyfriend or partner really loves them, they will support them and help them.

The next question is, are husbands and boyfriends ready to accept their partners relationship with their trichologist and more importantly their hair loss problem.

Note form the Author: If you wish to reproduce this article you may but please include the 'About the Author' note with links intact.

About the Author

Sally-Ann Tarver MIT.LTTS
The Cotswold Trichology Centre

You can visit the Cotswold Trichology Centre website for more information about hair and scalp problems or to contact Sally-Ann for advice at

Sally-Ann Tarver has a wealth of experience in helping people with their hair and scalp problems. The Cotswold Trichology Centre was set up in 1998 and is Worcestershire's only full time dedicated hair treatment centre and scalp clinic. Sally-Ann first took an interest in this rather obscure profession after suffering severe injuries in a motorbike accident. The trauma of the accident caused her acute hair loss which initiated an interest in a career in Trichology. She realised that there were many other people suffering hair problems but there no qualified Trichologist's within the closest five counties (Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, West Midlands) to advise them and began her 3 year study of with the Insitute of Trichologists.

She has practised on the world renown Harley St, London. Appointed president of The Trichological Society 2008-2010 she is also a member of the Society's ( ) governing council.

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Apivita Propoline - Tonic Shampoo For Thinning Hair, For Women 8.5 fl oz.Propoline Tonic Shampoo for Thinning Hair for Women enhances hair texture and protects the hair follicle from damage. Ideal for cases of seasonal hair loss, especially during spring and autumn. For cases of hereditary hair loss daily use is recommended.

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Natrol Nuhair Women's 30 Day KitOuter Body Shampoo is designed to help create healthy, youthful skin and provide extraordinary results for dry, scaly, itchy skin, cleanses skin gently and moisturizes.

Price: $23.57

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There are many different reasons a person may have hair loss issues. It is important to find the cause of your loss of hair problems to figure out how to treat them. One of the many sources is hormonal imbalance causing loss of hair. This is very common and occurs in various times in a person's life.

One of the many times you can see hormonal imbalance causing loss of hair is after having a baby. A woman's hormones get out of balance during pregnancy. However, a woman is secreting hormones that help her to keep her hair on her head. After giving birth though, those hormones go away and the body tries to get back to the normal levels they were at before getting pregnant. That combines with the stress having a baby puts on your body can cause you to lose your hair.

Another one of the times in a woman's life where hormonal imbalance causing hair loss can happen is during menopause. The hormones get out of balance as the body is trying to transition into the next stage in a woman's life. Many things happen at this time. One the biggest things is that a woman's body ay start to produce more testosterone, which can mean more DHT, which causes hair loss. Menopause can change a woman's body in many ways and hair loss is only one of these. It may be a long while before your hormones go back to normal though.

Stressful situations are also a way of hormonal imbalance causing loss of hair. Stress releases hormones into the body that attack many different parts. This is the same for the hair. Stress, anxiety and depression can all cause a hormonal imbalance that can lead to hair loss. This is one of the many reasons that it is important to keep these problems under control. You may find that exercise is a great way to help keep these problems at bay, as exercising releases feel good hormones into the body. You may even want to try meditation or yoga. Massage is another way to help manage these problems. Massage has many different benefits for the body and can make you feel great.

The great thing about hormonal imbalance causing hair loss is that once the hormones level off, the hair loss problems will usually go away on their own. Sometimes this happens on it's own accord. Other times it may become necessary to help your hormones get back to the levels that they need to be at. In these cases hormone altering drugs may be given to a person. If you feel that you are suffering from hair loss from a hormonal imbalance, it is important that you see your doctor. Hormonal imbalances can be a serious problem. They need to be monitored to make sure that they do not go too far out of control. Besides, the sooner you get your hair loss problems under control, the sooner you can go back to having the full head of hair that you once had.

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The two major concerns with women involve dermatological and more commonly hormonal problems that could be causing hair loss. Dermatological conditions include simple scalp conditions like temporary telogen effluvium that can follow delivery of a baby after pregnancy or more serious conditions like discoid lupus, etc. Typically, without any obvious skin lesions, etc., the surgeon who is contemplating surgical transplantation for a woman should recommend hormone evaluation to rule out metabolic conditions.

The most typical hormonal causes for female hair loss include a low iron level (which can be worsened owing to menstruation and with ferritin being the most sensitive blood marker for a treatably low iron level), low estrogen levels due to ongoing aging, etc. (which can be even more prevalent after menopause), low thyroid conditions, high androgen levels (the most common androgen in women is dihydroepiandesterone sulfate, or DHEAS), among other types of hormonal imbalances. A basic yet thorough chemistry panel may be a necessary first start before surgery should be contemplated.

Another important early intervention is managing the hair loss with minoxidil (marketed as Rogaine in the U.S. or Regaine in some countries). Minoxidil is a topical medication that is over the counter in the United States and comes in both 2% and 5% strengths. The 2% version is intended for women. However, for women who do not experience secondary facial or body hair growth, the 5% concentration can at times create a faster response than the 2% concentration but after one year the effects are nearly equal for women being treated with 2% and 5% minoxidil. Also, the 5% foam (which only comes as a brand Rogaine and there is no 2% foam) has eliminated the propylene glycol ingredient making the product less irritable on the skin.

A major drawback with minoxidil is that at 3 to 6 weeks patients may experience temporary further shedding, which is normal and indicative that the hair is entering what is known as anagen, or the growth phase of hair. In 3 to 6 months, hair is typically stabilized or reversed, as the investigation for the cause of the problem is discovered. In any case, if a woman is contemplating surgical hair transplant, the use of minoxidil can be very helpful in minimizing postoperative hair shedding following hair transplantation, as women are more susceptible to temporary shedding after surgery. Accordingly, ongoing minoxidil is a good idea for women considering upcoming surgical hair restoration.

Female pattern baldness presents in three distinct patterns. The most common type of hair loss is known as a "Christmas tree" pattern first described by Dr. Elise Olsen, who believes that it is the predominant pattern of hair loss in women. When a woman parts her hair in the middle and looks downward, the shape of a Christmas tree with the apex toward the back of the head is revealed. A second type of hair loss that could be a variant of Olsen's category has been described by Ludwig, which is a diffuse thinning throughout the scalp and which has classified according to the extent of thinning into Grades 1 through 3. Finally, the third type of hair loss mimics male pattern baldness with the exception that sometimes the hairline is spared. The purported reason for this variant is that women's higher serum aromatase level can maintain the hairline in some cases despite diffuse hair loss behind the hairline.

When a woman is ready to undergo surgical hair restoration by an experienced surgeon, she should review cases of female hair restoration that the surgeon has done because skills and design work for women differ radically than for men. First, the hairline is almost the exact opposite than that for a man. The fronto-temporal region is rounded and low versus open and triangular in a man losing hair. Second, the shape of the female hairline toward the center is also radically different with a cowlick that whorls and so-called lateral mounds that are positioned frequently on either side of the central cowlick. The surgeon creating recipient sites for the hair transplant must almost make these sites in an opposite fashion than for a male candidate, angling sites backward and obliquely, whereas for 95% of men this would lead to a bad outcome. Men's recipient sites that would accommodate the grafts are anterior, straight and low.

Secondly, when working with women, they may have compromised donor hair in the temple region in conditions of diffuse thinning. Surgeons must know how to harvest this hair to maximize yield and minimize the incisional scar. This involves avoiding the affected temple region and circumnavigating areas of loss that would otherwise create problems down the road for the surgically transplanted result.

Thirdly, women have been notoriously difficult patients regarding their satisfaction following hair restoration unlike men. We believe the most common reason for this outcome can be more likely due to the surgeon's fault on two accounts. First, unrealistic expectations were created for the patient, and poor communication of objectives was initiated. Secondly and just as important, the design to maximize a result requires judicious allocation of the grafts. We typically prefer to use two major patterns that we call an L-shape and a T-shape. For women who part their hair to the side, we use an L-shape with the longer limb of the L following along the part side and the bottom limb of the L across the central forelock and hairline. The T-shape is ideal for women who part their hair in the midline (or who have greatest density loss along the midline) with the long limb of the T being in the middle and the top horizontal limb of the T again being distributed along the frontal hairline and central forelock that in turn falls immediately behind the hairline. Of course, blending in the surrounding areas around these transplanted areas will yield the most natural result that is also targeted to the pattern of hair loss that a woman is suffering.

This primer on female hair loss and hair restoration clearly does not replace the consultation and relationship between a physician and patient but is intended as a general overview for a patient seeking basic information regarding female hair loss and what could be done for initial investigation, management, and/or surgical correction.

Samuel M. Lam, MD, FACS is a double board certified, Hair Restoration specialist. To learn more about Female Hair Loss Disorder and Female Hair Restoration procedures, please visit his extensive photo and video galleries.

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Hair loss is becoming more and more common in both men and women alike. It can be devastating to suffer through thinning hair and hair loss. This can happen for different reasons. There are genetic factors that come into play, as well as hormones and stress. Thinning hair or bald spots can be difficult to endure for men and women. It can cause a lower self esteem and take a real toll on a person's confidence.

Many people who have thinning hair or bald spots don't want to go through the hassle and painful process of surgeries, so more and more of them are turning to vitamins for hair loss. There are different types of vitamins for hair loss out there, and many that are very effective.

Why does it happen?

Scientist have discovered that in men, a thing called DHT is responsible for 95% of hair loss and thinning hair cases. DHT is a hormone that gets into a man's body, bonds to his hair follicles and cuts off the blood supply.

This causes his hair strands and follicles to shrink until they eventually fall out. There are vitamins for hair loss that will inhibit DHT and stop it from wreaking havoc on a man's hair. I'll bet you guys are thinking, 'what a relief!'

In women, a lot of the hair loss and hair thinning happens around menopause. When our hormones are all out of control and doing who knows what, we are at a greater risk of losing our hair. Although hair loss is troubling for men, it can be much worse for a woman.

In society, a woman has hair, plain and simple. What society views as beautiful is a full head of healthy hair on a woman, so a woman with bald spots or thin areas has a lot of trouble coping with the way she looks. Vitamins for hair loss can help women to stop their hair from thinning as well. However, you must make sure of a few things when you are considering vitamins for hair loss.

What should you look for?

When you are considering vitamins for hair loss, there are a few things that you should make sure of. You want to find vitamins that inhibit DHT, and stop the process that is causing you to lose your hair. However, that's not enough in itself. You want to make sure that you find vitamins for hair loss that actually re-grow your hair. If you don't make sure of this, you might not lose more hair, but you will still have those thin and bald spots.

Vitamins for Hair Loss

There are vitamins for hair loss that can help. There is a trusted product that helps inhibit DHT, and re-grow the hair that you have lost. So, you will be stopping the bad process, and fixing the damage already done. These vitamins are the only FDA approved hair treatment that is clinically proven to reverse the process so that you re-grow your hair.

This is important to know, as some products can promise the moon, but won't deliver. If you want to stop your hair loss, use these tips and search for vitamins for hair loss that work. Stop spending your money on useless promises, and take control of your hair loss.

You are invited to discover the secrets to more simple yet effective home remedies for any condition at the Herbal Home Remedy website.

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As a woman, losing ones hair can be devastating. A woman's hair is more important to her than it is to a man. She also does not expect her hair to become thin, or fall out, in the same way that a man might. When this happens, she can become upset or depressed. Why would a woman's hair fall out? There are many reasons, both natural and triggered by other factors that lead to hair loss in women.

What could cause female hair loss? There are several different factors that can lead to this unfortunate condition. They include childbirth, taking medications with hair loss as a side effect, diseases which cause hair loss, and several other factors. There are also causes of hair loss linked to exposure, but they are very rare, and are usually caught quickly.

You might ask why this has happened to you, and why it has struck now. Hair loss in women is not a standard or set occurrence. It can happen at any time, for any of the reasons above. No, it doesn't only happen it men, but don't worry; there are several cosmetic or corrective procedures that can save your appearance and confidence.

What are the causes of natural female hair loss? They are:

- The normal hair loss which happens everyday

- Hair loss which occurs because of some hair styles

- Childbirth

Each day, every person loses some hair, which is natural. Hair has a growth cycle of two to six years, followed by a brief rest period. Eventually, it falls out. Some of your hair will be at the end of this cycle each day, and will fall out. New hair will then begin to grow from its place, which means that no permanent loss or thinning takes place.

Your hairstyle can also be a cause of hair loss in some women. A tight style, such as a severe ponytail, tugs on and irritates the follicle, which then causes that follicle to die. To solve this type of hair loss issue, you can simple wear your hair down or more loosely.

Another reason for female hair loss is the birth of a child. During pregnancy, some of the hormones released lead to healthier hair. After the child is born, these hormones cease production, leading to hair loss. In most women, the loss of hair isn't noticeable, but it can be very noticeable for others.

Why are you experiencing female hair loss? The cause could be any of the reasons mentioned above. These are the easiest to notice, and to deal with. However, if none of these reasons applies to you, you may need to consider other factors, such as disease, which could be contributing to your hair loss.

This article helps you to understand Female Hair Loss, this really is an immense topic and can't really be covered in one sitting. There is also Hair Loss as well as Female Hair Loss that we could go on and on about. The latest and greatest information and resources are always available so feel free to drop by and read all the great content pieces present there.

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It is common and even accepted for men to be bald. So even though it is a common occurrence, numerous men can still feel self conscious about being hairless. So taking this in mind, the way a woman must feel if she starts to lose her hair must be exceedingly disturbing, after all, hair is one of the main things a woman uses to make herself look appealing.

As a woman, if you are feeling you have a lot of hair that is coming out, look to see if there is another more plain cause as to why you may be losing hair, for instance do you frequently tie your hair back tightly? Are you undergoing a lot of stress in your private or work life at present? What is your diet like in the sense you have been eating poor food as of late? While it may not look as if these details are relevant, but they can have an effect with what goes on in your scalp.

On the other hand, you may be going through none of these matters in your life, and you are in fact losing more hair than any of the previously mentioned things warrant for anyways. If that is the case there is a chance that there are hormonal shifts getting you to lose your hair. Here are some things that routinely happen to a woman than can adjust hormones and interfere with hair growing.

The change of life is an arena that quite often effects hair growth. Menopause can badly affect hormones and slow down their production. This is in all likelihood more common than you would think and can effect up to about two thirds of women and leave them with bald patches of some kind in their post menopausal stages. In All Probability one of the most everyday ways this is treated by the medical profession is with HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). Coming is an account of how the hormonal imbalance during change of life can cause hair loss:-

Plainly put, a woman will produce both testosterone and estrogen before menopause. And during this time the estrogen bars the testosterone from being changed and allowed to move around the body, a bit like a roadblock. When the change of life starts, the output of estrogen falls and this can let testosterone to have a bit more of a free reign. Consequently, it is considered this testosterone can turn into DHT which makes hair loss if the scalp is sensitive to it.

Sometimes a woman may have to receive a hysterectomy, and in a way, this is like going through the change of life too, as the end outcome is that there is no estrogen being released to counteract testosterone.

The final big upheaval in a woman which causes massive hormonal shift is maternity, and this can genuinely play tricks with the hair. When a woman gets pregnant there are great numbers of changes that start to take place within the body as you can probably well guess. Through the maternity thin hair can thicken and vice versa, and also hair that was straight can get curly and curly hair can go straight. This is down to the great hormone shifts which take place within a woman when they are pregnant, and for some women after having a baby, their hair is never the same again.

We cover different ways to help prevent womens hair loss [] on our site [] Hopefully there will be something there that can help you too

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There are several different causes of hair loss in men and women alike. However, for many women suffering from this disease the cause of thinning hair can often be elusive, therefore delaying treatment, and leaving the woman with progressively thinning hair. For some reason society would have you believe that hair loss, commonly referred to in the medical community as alopecia, is strictly a male gender disease and rarely, if ever, affects women. This is not even close to the truth! Out of all the hair loss sufferers in the United States roughly 40% of them are women, this is nearly half of ALL hair loss sufferers. Not really what you would call a rare disease is it?

The first step in treating female hair loss is to correctly identify the cause. The one thing that male and female hair loss sufferers have in common is the fact that hair loss is always a sign of some internal disturbance. Whether the disturbance is a long term condition such as a disease that may, or may not, cause a hormonal imbalance, or a genetic disorder. Some examples of short term disturbances that can cause an issue with hair loss are pregnancy, stress, or certain medications. Usually the short term disturbances are quickly and easily identified, while the long term disturbances can be extremely difficult and somewhat costly to determine.

By far the most common type of hair loss in women is a genetic condition commonly referred to as female pattern baldness; otherwise known as androgenetic alopecia in the medical community. This condition is caused by a particular male hormone known as dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This hormone is similar to testosterone and has the potential, when in the presence of its enzyme reactor, to cause death to the hair follicle. Although DHT is a male hormone, women do posses it in trace levels in their bodies. The presence of DHT in a woman's body is a completely normal occurrence; it is when these levels of DHT rise, even slightly, that a woman may experience female pattern baldness.

Another common form of female hair loss is known as Telogen Effluvium, or TE. TE is simply described as a direct result of a stressful event that can cause your body to shed its own hair. This condition usually occurs following a stressful event that has taken place including but not limited to, pregnancy and child birth, serious sickness, as well as surgery. The somewhat confusing fact about this condition is that the hair loss normally takes place about 6-8 weeks after the actual stressor has occurred. This particular condition will usually go in to remission as long as the woman suffering from it avoids major stressors. However, in some cases this condition can be chronic and plague the woman on and off for several months, or even years.

Last but not least a woman can suffer hair loss due to environmental factors such as medications, and self inflicted insults to the hair follicle itself. These conditions are better known as Anagen Effluvium and traction alopecia. Anagen Effluvium is a direct result of medications such as chemotherapy, and traction alopecia is a direct result of damage caused to the root, or hair follicle, by wearing tight hairstyles.

No matter what the cause female hair loss can be devastating for the woman suffering from it. It is imperative to find the cause and start treatment as soon as possible to prevent further hair loss. Nowadays there are several treatment options to choose from including traditional, non-traditional, and of course home remedies. Research your options and go from there. However, always try and remember that stress is a great cause of hair loss itself, so do your very best to remain positive!

To learn more about Hair Loss Treatment for Women, please go to

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Women who lose their hair suffer far more from their hair loss than men. For women the loss of their hair can be a tragic and horrific experience. Women are raised to fix their hair and fuss over the style and look of the hair on their heads. If a woman loses her hair her self-esteem will take an extremely large blow. Society tends to look at a woman by the way that she looks, whether that is appropriate or not.

Girls learn from their older siblings or their mom how they are supposed to look and behave. When a girl sees older girls or her mom fussing over her hair and spending an inordinate amount of time on her appearance she will believe that is the correct way to behave for a woman.

That same young girl will feel terribly self conscious if she grows up to lose her hair. She will no longer be able to look in the mirror and see the woman she is supposed to be.

Hair loss in women is very common. This has caused a great deal of research and treatments to be developed for female hair loss. You can ask your doctor for the causes of your hair loss.

Women will lose their hair for many different reasons than men. Men will lose their hair based on genetic factors and in women it is generally different reasons.

The main reasons for hair loss in women is illness, diet, stress, hormones and medications. Stress is the biggest reason why a woman will lose her hair. If you are experiencing a hair loss you should work to reduce the amount of stress in your life.

Women today live very stressful lives. From trying to hold down a job and take care of the needs of their family they are facing a very busy and demanding schedule. Keeping everything on an even keel and well balanced is a struggle that many women battle every day. Many women will begin to find it difficult to take care of themselves while they are trying to take care of everything else. Her diet may suffer and she will not get the proper rest that her body requires.

Hair needs nutrition to be strong and healthy. If you neglect the nutrition in your diet you hair will begin to suffer the consequences.

It is a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor if you are suffering from hair loss. The cause could be an undiagnosed illness. Your doctor can make a determination if the cause of your hair loss is illness. There might be a treatment for the condition that is causing your hair loss.

As a woman gets older her hair will begin to thin. Many times the hair will also begin to fall out. This hair loss will usually begin to happen at around fifty. There are options for this type of hair loss. Visit with a dermatologist to find a solution that will work for you.

Hormone changes can also cause a hair loss in some women. You can usually find a good option from your doctor for this type of hair loss. Doctors can find solutions for hormones that have gotten out of balance.

Medications will also cause a hair loss in some women. You should know the side effects of any medication that you are taking. If you are experiencing a hair loss, check with your doctor to determine if the medication is the cause. There may be some substitutions that can be made.

Peter Geisheker is the CEO of The Geisheker Group marketing firm.

Peter develops and implements strategic marketing programs for businesses including hair loss treatment and female hair loss.

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Are you losing your hair? As a man, this can be a common sign of aging. But for many women it is a frightening and embarrassing reality. There are things that every woman should know about the reasons for womens hair loss and the ways that you can treat the problem before you are left completely bald.

Unlike male pattern baldness, a woman losing her hair has a number of treatment options. It all depends on the underlying cause which, in many cases is fairly simple. That is the good news. The bad news is that since there are a number of different causes, it may take time to find the one that is causing your problems. Here are a few of the most common reasons.

The first is hormones. They affect every system in a woman's body and the growth of her hair is no exception. Pregnancy has a huge effect on the body and the hormonal changes during and after pregnancy can affect hair growth and its subsequent loss. This is because during pregnancy, all hair growth halts at a specific point. It causes hair to be retained past the point when it would otherwise. Then, after pregnancy, the hair is no longer preserved and much of it is shed. This can be distressing, but in the end you are left with the same amount of hair you had before pregnancy.

However, many women have loss of hair as a result of hormonal changes are not pregnant. If you are not pregnant or you are getting to the point where hair has thinned noticeably past what you had before you were pregnant, you need to visit the doctor who will likely work to rule out other factors.

Stress can also affect a woman's body in unexpected ways. Hair loss is only one of the ways chronic stress can damage us. If a woman is very busy, she may not be looking after herself properly. A poor diet or consumption of too much alcohol can cause hair loss from malnutrition. If you suspect stress may be an issue, try using relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga, or take a vitamin supplement designed to deal with stress. You may be amazed at the results you can achieve.

If your hair is thinning, the reason may be as close as your medicine cabinet. Women who are undergoing chemotherapy often lose their hair. Even the eyelashes and eyebrows can be lost as the medication does its work. There are other drugs which can have the same effect but you should always check with a pharmacist or medical doctor before making any changes in the chronic medications you are taking.

Alopecia is a medical term which refers to the loss of hair. It can be caused by a deficiency in the amount of thyroid hormone being produced, or even an iron deficiency. Another cause can be lupus or several other potentially serious medical diseases. You need to have these ruled out before beginning any treatment regimen.

To fight hair loss, you can select one of the many excellent over the counter products for women. They can make a huge difference in the fullness and appearance of your hair.

Do you really want to cure your hair loss problems?

John Farikani is an expert on reasons for women's hair loss.

Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site

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Hair is often an important part of a woman's self image. A woman who chooses to shave her head is making a powerful statement about how she sees herself and society as well. But a woman who is losing her hair may feel ashamed and embarrassed. There are actually a number of different reasons for women's hair loss and knowing what they are can help you halt or reverse the problem before it becomes truly devastating.

The good news is that while losing your hair can be easy to treat and in many cases, can be treated with time and simple lifestyle changes. Because there are different reasons however, it is important to find out what is causing your loss since one cure may not work for a different cause.

Men will often lose their hair due to male pattern baldness. Women tend to have a multitude of reasons for losing their hair. Hormones are one of the largest reasons women may have problems keeping their hair. Often, women will shed some of their hair immediately following a pregnancy due to hormone changes that take place when the baby is born. It may feel like a large amount of hair is falling out and that you have become quite bald, but the truth is that it is simply hairs falling out after a natural pause in their development. Hormones cause many hairs to reach the shedding stage at the same time and be cast off, much to the sadness of the woman who was enjoying thick hair.

If there has been no pregnancy or you can see bald patches, you may need to have your hormones tested. This is because other reasons may be the cause of your problems and you need to know what is happening so that the proper treatment can be administered.

A woman's life is full of stress and many women will lose their hair as a result. Stress can cause a number of problems including an incomplete diet or a chronic sleep debt. If you become deficient in critical vitamins and minerals, you may find that you will begin to lose your hair. Because stress can affect many of the body's systems, it should be no surprise that hair loss can be one of the side effects of chronic stress. If you make dietary changes and use relaxation techniques you may find you are able to reverse the loss of your hair naturally and effectively.

There are medicines which can cure hair loss, and others that can cause it. Most people are aware that it can be a side effect of chemotherapeutic medications but others can have the same effect. You should speak with the pharmacist or person who prescribed your medications to find alternate medications or effective ways to treat or manage the hair loss.

There is a blanket condition known as alopecia which refers to the loss of one's hair. Women and men can both suffer from alopecia. It can be caused by thyroid problems, lupus and even a severe iron deficiency. To find out what treatment you need, you should talk to a doctor.

Over the counter treatments can be safe and effective. You need to make sure that you are picking the treatment that is right for you and one that is designed specifically for women.

Do you really want to cure your hair loss problems?

John Farikani is an expert on reasons for women's hair loss.

Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site

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Women and hair loss can be a devastating thing for a female. Throughout history women have been known to have hair. Sounds corny, but can you imagine a women who has masculine features losing their hair. How would they feel as they are often referred to as sir? Not good at all.

It was thought at one time that causes of female hair loss in women would happen the same as men. Meaning that the hormones would become off balanced. Too much androgen would be created and those would block off the hair follicles.

That androgen would continue to be produced in large amounts and eventually those follicles would die. Leaving a woman with little to no hair. That condition which is known as alopecia, well it's not really how it works in women.

Instead studies have shown that other enzymes are produced in a woman's body. Those may work to block off the growth of hair. As it continues to process, the more hair a women will lose. Woman and hair loss for this reason the problem was termed women's pattern hair loss.

But there are other medical reasons why women may lose their hair. One of them is a disease that is suffered by many women it is polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS for short. Many women who have PCOS may only suffer from losing their hair.

While there are many other symptoms that PCOS suffers can have, some women are only affected in that one way. Alopecia areata is another problem where a woman can suffer the loss of hair, but in patches or clumps.

A temporary medical condition known as telogen effluvium may happen and cause a woman to lose hair. Causes of this problem include childbirth, surgery, crash dieting or a traumatic event in a women's life.

Thyroids that are overactive or underactive may produce hair problems in women too. While suffering from certain disease like anemia may be a reason women suffer from hair loss.

It is very important for women to find the real cause of female hair loss. If a correct diagnosis is not made to start with, the treatment may not be correct. So when you begin to suffer from thinning hair, please head into see your doctor. Checking out your health is very important, and thinning hair may only be a warning sign for something else. Don't forget that some prescriptions will even cause problems.

John Farikani is an expert in the cause of female hair loss and male hair loss. Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site

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PHYTO Phytocyane Revitalizing Shampoo for Women, Thinning Hair 6.7 fl oz (200 ml)For Women with Thinning Hair with Grapeseed Procyanidins and Ginkgo Biloba
This shampoo is ideal for use with PHYTOCYANE thinning hair treatment for women. Its combination of plant-based active ingredients restores the vitality of the hair:
Grapeseed Procyanidins capture free radicals and protect the hair bulb.
Ginkgo Biloba activates cell metabolism and strengthens the hair.
A decoction of Cinchona bark, chosen for its stimulating properties, in combination with a milk cleansing base derived from Coconut oil makes PHYTOCYANE shampoo effective, gentle and pleasant to use.
Thinning Hair - The hair growth cycle is composed of 3 different phases:
In women the hair growth phase (or "anagene") lasts an average of 5 years, which affects 8.5% of the hair mass.
Resting (or "catagene") phase which is when the hair stops growing, lasts an average of 3 weeks. This phase affects 1 to 2% of the hair mass.
Rejecting (or "telogene") phase is when a hair falls out, pushed by a new one growing in. This phases lasts about 3 months, affecting 10 to 20% of the hair mass.
This natural cycle can be affected by elements such as:
Life style (stress, pollution, diets, nutritional deficiencies, etc.)
Hormonal changes (after pregnancy and menopause)
"Biological Clocks" (seasonal changes, and the natural aging process)
Poorly done hair treatments and the use of harsh hair products
Women suffer from thinning hair as a result of these 4 factors.
PHYTO products bring the most potent active ingredients from the botanical world to your hair through Phytotherathrie, the science of haircare through plants.
PHYTO will help maintain the healthy appearance of your hair and reveal its full beauty.
Through its botanical formulas, PHYTO provides a natural and precise solution for the needs of each hair type. Ongoing research and close collaboration with scientists enable Laboratories Phystosolba to continually

Price: $24.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

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Raymax Professional Low Level Laser Therapy unit - Prevent Hair Loss, Thinning, Balding, Regrow new hairThe Raymax Laser Wand is designed to stimulate miniaturized and weakened hair follicles with specific wavelength of low-level laser energy that stimulates cellular energy and hair regrowth. The Raymax Laser Wand stimulates hair follicles which results in producing thicker, fuller, shinier, and healthier looking hair. Unit comes with an universal, auto-voltage sense power adapter for worldwide use.

Click here to buy from Amazon

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One of the most treasured and most important features in a woman's body is the hair. Hence, the usual expense that a woman will incur is the area of beautification and this includes caring of hair. Getting a clue from this natural inclination and tendency of a woman who crave for hair care products, manufacturers are seizing this opportunity of producing hair care products that will fill and satisfy the needs of the woman. Another area which a woman is interested is in the maintaining and caring of the hair to prevent hair loss which may be a disastrous event in a woman's life. Thus, the hair loss treatment for woman is one of the major concerns that every woman will give the top priority.

One of the types of thinning hair which a woman has a great probability of being affected is the andrognetic alopecia wherein it has been found that some drugs may be able to treat this effectively. However, there are still some doctors who are reluctant to prescribe these drugs because some drug companies fail to test existing and new drugs on their ability to prevent and treat female pattern baldness. In addition medical practitioners are hesitant to use systemic treatment (a pill or other form of internal treatment that affects your entire system) unless they are certain that the hair loss is caused by an excess of androgen in the system or an over-response to the normal amounts of androgen in the system. The reason for this is the systemic treatments may lower the body's androgen levels; therefore, physicians frequently prefer topical treatments such as drugs which are directly applied to the scalp. Thus, hair loss treatment for woman is somewhat difficult to handle.

There are findings that the best treatment results to happen is when you start treatment as soon as possible after the thinning hair is discovered because prolonged androgenetic alopecia may damage many of the hair follicles. The utilization of anti-androgens after extended loss will at least help prevent additional loss of hair and promote some strands of hair to grow again from the dormant follicles but are still possible to re-grow hair. However, stopping treatment will result to the continued hair loss and androgens are not kept in normal level. It is quite important that while the patient is under anti-androgen medications taking of vitamins and minerals will significantly help. Hair loss treatment for woman is encountering some complexity because of the woman's intricate body nature.

As a general rule the best chance of having effective treatment is when the whole program is aimed towards proper hair loss treatment and the plan of triggering hair growth. Many products are now introduced especially in the hair loss treatment for womanand one of these is Provillus which boast of its natural components. In addition it has the capability of working at the source of the strands of the hair while stimulating hair follicles to be productive to support hair growth.

In the market Provillus is now becoming popular and is available through the internet. Its strengths lie in its effectiveness and its natural healing method which produces no side effect. Another advantage in using Provillus is its formula which was designed to naturally block DHT and provides nutrients to the body, thus preventing thinning hair. Therefore, in looking for a hair loss treatment for woman there is no superior product than the Provillus. And for the economic advantage the maker of Provillus is giving a money back guarantee for people who may not be satisfied using the product.

If you really want THE solution for hair loss treatment for woman, then I highly recommend you try Provillus. This stuff works amazingly well. Check out my review of it here:

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There is no one cause of hair loss in women, which can result in a great deal of frustration when the exact culprit of thinning hair.

Especially due to the hormonal changes in a woman's body, there are countless potential causes of hair loss. Not all hair loss in women is permanent and most hair loss can be reversed by simply removing the causal agent.

However, there are some types of hair loss in women that are permanent, causing the need for more strenuous treatment types to aggressively treat the hair loss.

Everything from medication to hormonal imbalances to medical conditions to heredity can be to blame when it comes to hair loss.

However, if you are experiencing any hair loss, it is important that you contact your primary health care provider to determine the specific cause of hair loss in women as it could be a side effect of a more important health problem.

One common cause of hair loss in women is the birth control pill. Although not always a factor with every woman who is on the birth control pill, these extra hormones can be a major factor in hair loss.

Typically, when the pill is abandoned and the extra hormones are out of a woman's system, the hair loss stops and the hair will fully grow back.

If you find yourself experiencing hair loss while on the birth control pill, consult your physician about another type of birth control pill that may better suit your needs.

There are several different options currently on the market in addition to other methods of birth control like the contraceptive ring and the patch. Additionally, there are birth control pills available with a lower level of estrogen, which might be the key in stopping hair loss.

Another cause of hair loss when it comes to women is stress.

Stress is something that affects everyone and can cause symptoms ranging from hair loss to hypertension. In some cases that hair loss cannot be contributed to any biological cause, stress is considered the culprit and the patient is encouraged to take steps that will allow her to better deal with stress in a healthier manner.

Simple exercises like yoga or meditation could be the key in stopping stress-related hair loss and allow a woman to begin enjoying a stress-free life.

Other types of stresses include stresses done to your hair. In some instances, hair that is dyed or processed can become weaken and eventually fall out due to too much stress.

There are many medical conditions that can result in hair loss.

Although the most common type of hair loss is due to an interaction with a type of medication or treatment program like chemotherapy, there are specific illnesses that target the body and may be the culprit of hair loss.

Autoimmune conditions like lupus, glandular conditions like thyroid problems, or diseases like diabetes can hold the key to hair loss in women.

For this reason, it is important to speak to your primary health care provider about your hair loss so that he or she can determine whether or not you have a more serious medical condition. It is not uncommon for women to be diagnosed with a medical condition due a report of hair loss and an in-depth series of tests.

Finally, heredity proves to be a large factor when it comes to hair loss. Much like in men, your genetic code may prove you predisposed to suffer from hair loss.

In order to determine whether or not your hair loss can be blamed on your ancestors, physicians will take an in-depth family history that focuses on the females in your family.

If you're concerned about hair loss and have thinning hair wondering about both the current and historic hair loss treatments click on over to Mike Herman's and find more helpful resources for health concerns, including menopause and heart disease go on over to []

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If you are a woman suffering from female hair loss, you know the emotional toll it can take on you as well as the physical. Getting to the bottom of this problem is essential to your health.

The first thing you should do is to consult your doctor. This will let you know exactly what is causing the loss of hair.

When you talk to him be completely honest and answer all his questions as specifically as possible. This is very important to help find out why you are losing your hair.

It used to be that no one connected hair loss with anyone but old men. This is not true anymore.

Rest assured though, there are many treatments available to combat female hair loss. The studies have come a long way in the last few years when it comes to the treatment for loss of hair for men and women.

One of the reasons female hair loss is such a frightening experience for women is the way society views women's hair. Every commercial and advertisement you see shows a woman with a thick beautiful head of hair.

They do not show women with no hair. This is becoming somewhat trendy for men.

The hair has a normal cycle it goes through. It is in the anagen phase which means it is growing.

This goes usually for a couple of years until the telogen phase starts. This is when the hair rests.

After resting for a few months, it begins to fall out. The amount of hair that goes into the telogen phase is usually only about 10% to 20%.

When female hair loss occurs, a larger percentage than the 20% is falling out. This means that something has interfered with the normal cycles of the hair.

It can be hormonal, a vitamin deficiency, genetic or one of many other reasons. This is the reason it is so important to see your doctor.

Often a hormone called estrogen is responsible for causing DHT to attack the hair follicles. This can be regulated.

When this happens, DHT in effect tries to kill off these hair follicles and they begin to shrink. Then the hair will begin to fall out.

This can happen after child birth, during menopause or if hormone treatments are being given for illness.

Female hair loss, although not as common as men's, is often more of a thinning than an actual balding. This does however, cause the scalp to be able to be seen since the hair is so thin.

If a woman loses her hair in the same manner as men do, there is a medical reason for this. This is another very good reason for seeing your doctor.

Female hair loss can be genetic in nature just as loss of hair for a man is caused by his relatives. It is just not as pronounced as a man's loss of hair.

As you have seen, female hair loss can take quite a toll on a woman from both a physical and mental standpoint. This is one of the many reasons women need to seek assistance instead of suffering in silence.

And, to help you solve hair loss problems, Kalpana shares with you a remedy to Thinning Hair and Hair Loss for both men and women that she found to be a safe and natural hair loss product. If you want to see results confirmed by other customers, visit her website, to find out more.

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It is a rarity among hair loss sufferers to be women but that does not mean females do not have to cope with it. There are a small percentage of women who do indeed have problem with hair loss baldness. When it comes to being a woman, having shiny, thick and beautiful hair can be so important, sometimes nothing else matters much than their hair!

General belief is hair loss and baldness is only a subject issue to be dealt with by men and not for women. Even if women do suffer for hair loss, it is commonly accepted that it is sometimes an inevitable situation when they get old. As most hair treatment that is available out there mostly caters to men, women generally also believe it is a problem that is really unlikely going to happen towards them.

Self-confidence and esteem in women

It is clear to say that beautiful hair also provides high self-esteem and confidence for women generally. How a pretty and attractive woman is defined as one also depends on whether her hair type and style suits the way she looks. Women are meant to be beautiful and her hair very much plays a pivotal role for her in being so.

Unless you are Sigourney Weaver playing Aliens, female having no hair in usual cases are not socially accepted. Being bald is probably one of women worst feared nightmare!

Hair loss and baldness

If you are one of the few women who do suffer from hair loss do take comfort in knowing and understanding that you are not by yourself going through this horrendous state. There also many women suffering from such a problem. Most if not all, were taken seriously aback and apart by hair loss and do not understand the least by bit why it is happening. For those women who do not suffer from any hair loss and baldness it is safer for you to take note and take precautions on whatever things you do to your hair!

Unlike men who suffer from baldness, there are no definite patterns in detecting female hair loss. Even when women do notice some hair loss they often relate it to a recent even such as post-pregnancy period and after having a bout of illness that can be related to hair thinning. Never try to do a self-diagnose because it is hard to be sure of the type and cause of hair loss. Worst case scenario would be finding out about it way too late for best and effective treatment. The best safe and obvious choice would be of course to consult a medical specialist for a complete evaluation and diagnosis on the cause of the problem. Would you rather throw away $50 or your pride and confidence away?

Common cause of hair loss and baldness

The most common type of hair loss for both sexes is called androgenetic alopecia or simply alopecia. This is usually an inherited problem that will affect the hair scalps and its follicles. However with this form of hair loss, women almost never develop complete baldness that occurs to men.

Females having this form of baldness can expect to see certain patterns including thinning of hair throughout the entire head with more hair loss on different parts such as the back, frontal hairline or sometimes both.

Other causes of hair loss and baldness in women


Pulling of hair with certain force. For those who like to tie their hair using pony-tail style should really take note and try not to pull with too much force. This will cause the hair bulb and follicle to uproot and losses its ability to continue to re-generate new hair.

Scarring alopecia

This condition happens when scalp hair is tightly tied persistently in cases such as braiding or corn-rowing. It is very common for an African woman to do this because it is a part of their lifestyle. Women experiencing menopause sometimes suffer from inflammation of hair follicles which in turn causes scarring of the scalps.

Traumatic alopecia

Quite clearly any shocking or traumatic action towards the hair especially the scalps can cause the hair follicle to fall into depression state. When this happens, it will suspend temporarily or totally stop its function to create new hair cells. For those who likes to chemically treat or dye their hair it is really imperative to take note what sort of chemicals goes into its formula.

Chemotherapy/radiation exposure

During treatment of certain illness such as cancer, a certain amount of radiation is being exposed to the patient. This action in turn kills the hair follicles which hold the cells that produces and generates new hair.

Telogen effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a condition where a lot of hair may fall out in a relatively short period of time. The most common causes are childbirth, high fever, severe illness and even high stress. In most cases this type of hair loss is temporary. However in certain cases when this condition is left untreated victims can expect to experience permanent hair loss.

Cures and treatments for female hair loss and baldness

First and foremost, it is a known fact that prevention is most certainly better than cure. If you notice any signs of hair loss or suspects that you are experiencing certain stage of it you should always consult a specialist.

Although there are many products that do what they claimed however no one single type of treatment is suitable for all hair loss causes. It is better to find out what treatment is most suitable. Instead of starting to ask and search for treatments and cures for hair loss, perhaps you would like to adopt a different approach. One way would be to search for ways to improve hair growth rate. What are the available treatments that can help your hair follicles to start producing longer and thicker hair? Find out ways on how to prevent hair loss and methods to ensure the virility and strengthening of hair. There are many type of treatment that can help your hair follicles to kick start the engine again and produce back the amount of hair you always had until the dreaded hair loss scenario started. Click here to see a good site explaining how to stop hair loss and why you would want to search for the correct treatment.

If you are just looking for some hair oils and shampoo just to revitalize back your dull looking hair there is something you should take note about. Many commercialized shampoos contain hazardous chemicals. This not only causes skin and scalp irritation it could also lead to hair loss. It is always safer to read and check what goes into the mixture of the shampoo before buying. Organic or herbal based shampoos are always more often than not a safer bet.

Look for answers to questions on hair loss and baldness at

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While hair loss is considered a normal part of aging for men, hair loss in women is much less common. Thus, hair loss in women is much more detrimental to a woman's self image than it is for a man. Women with thinning hair are often ridiculed and may find it difficult to be seen in social situations. But what makes male and female hair loss so different?

The truth is that there are not many differences in the way the hair is lost or why. While it is true that fewer women are susceptible to genetic hair loss, a small group of women do still experience this disease. This type of hair loss may cause complete baldness and is not temporary. It is a popular misconception that these women are somehow genetically or hormonally more masculine than other women. While this has caused many women shame and ridicule, this is a complete myth. There has yet to be any proof that these women are genetically or hormonally more masculine than any other woman.

Hormonal hair loss also occurs in women. Nevertheless, hormonal hair loss in women is usually temporary, as a woman will experience re-growth once the hormones return to normal. This type of hair loss in women is likely to occur after the birth of a child, during menopause, during pregnancy or even as early as puberty.

If you or someone you know as experience hair loss after the birth of a child, the experience I usually temporary. This type of hair loss occurs when extreme fluctuations in hormones take place. During this time a woman's estrogen levels are likely to either be to too high or too low. If the level happens to be particularly low, it leaves the woman more susceptible to an imbalance. The testosterone in her body may trigger the same hormonal hair loss it does in men. Luckily for the woman, this usually only last a few months before hair begins to grow again. A woman may also experience hormonal hair loss if she has a thyroid problem, but even this is temporary, as the hair will return when the thyroid is treated.

Hair loss due to medication is a greater risk for females than males, because breast cancer in women is the most common kind of cancer. Like most cancers, breast cancer often requires treatment in the form of chemotherapy. Women are also at a greater risk of having thyroid disease which often requires radio active treatment. This too causes the hair to fall out. Many of these treatments will cause complete baldness. Luckily, this type of hair loss is also temporary and may subside when the medication is stopped.

Since most forms of female hair loss are temporary, over the counter treatments may be used to prevent too much hair from being lost during these periods. However, genetic hair loss is still a real threat even for women. For this reason anyone experiencing thinning hair should see a doctor and consider treatment.

Jen Carter is staff writer for Inhairit - the creator of a hair loss product program, which is a DHT Blocker. This article can be found in our female hair loss articles section. You may publish our articles on your website only if you do not edit the article in any way, and include all html as direct links to our site.

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It seems that there are so many advertisements or television commercials that focus mainly on men's hair loss. And you can't really blame them because you do not get to see a bald woman when you get out in the streets on any regular days. But the way things are, hair loss is a big problem among women too. This article tries to discuss a few issues on that.

Why does hair loss occur?

There are lots of reasons women loose their hair. For women, hair losses are basically caused by vitamin deficiencies. However, there are other causes like Alopecia Areata that accelerates the rate of hair losses in women.

Alopecia Areata has been researched by clinical scientist for many years. It was found that is white blood cells in the body are responsible for Alopecia Areata. They are known to attack your hair follicles, which causes them to severely shrink. As a result, your hair falls out eventually. So before this problem gets out of control, a woman should make fast moves.

Did you know that over 2% of modern day U.S. population are suffering from some cases of Alopecia Areata? The people who are affected by such a problem are mostly women or children. But it is also true that anybody might get affected by this problem. How good your treatment will be depends on multiple factors. The first and foremost one is the severity of your hair loss. The next thing is about is about your current age. And finally it might take quite some time if you are suffering a severe case of Alopecia Areata.

Not to panic

As women start noticing any abnormal quantity of hair falling out, the very first reaction they show is panic. And you can't really blame them as hair one of the key elements of a woman's beauty and personality. And all the television commercials or advertisement we see has women with full, bouncy and healthy hair. Human civilization has put so much focus on the hair of a woman as a part of her beauty that you can't think of a woman with a bald head.

Rather than panicking, the task in hand should be getting right to the core of these problems as soon as possible. It actually pays off if you visit a dermatologist for making sure that the hair loss problem has not stemmed out of any other more severe complexity within the body. If a woman gets depressed, this might actually accelerate the hair loss. So get some treatment to make sure you have the peace of mind.

And be proactive in attacking the problem, before it starts gaining on you any further. Do let it nail you down. There are numerous herbal products in the market that you would really love. And eating balanced food can only help you recover fast. In most of the cases, if sufficient care is exercised, the hair loss should go away over time.


And it is always a smart move to do some research for knowing what are the most promising and proven options for preventing hair loss. Reading forums and women's magazines can help here. But make sure you are reading only impartial reviews on products, so you get to choose the right one that offers most value for our time and effort.

Henry has been writing articles for nearly 3 years. His newest interest is in Sennheiser wireless headphones. So check out his latest website that discusses Sennheiser wireless headphones and other deals and info on Sennheiser RS140 headphones, so you can make the best choice in audio quality.

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There are several common causes of women's hair loss, many of which are only temporary or rarely lead to total baldness. However, the effects of hair loss in a woman can be an extremely traumatic event. The following tips may help you to stimulate hair growth and maintain or control your hair loss.

Use a Good Brush

This is crucial. The vast majority of women use plastic or nylon brushes, which are terrible for your hair and extremely damaging. If there is one thing that you should not skimp on, it would be the brush. What you should look for is a very wide toothed comb or a pure bristle/ pure bristle and nylon brush. A good brush will help to condition your hair and improve circulation to your scalp. The more your brush, the more you will improve the health of your scalp.

Washing Your Hair

Perfect hair, that which has not been permed, colored, and treated has a typical ph of 5.5, which is slightly acidic. Water has a neutral ph of 7, which can actually promote dry hair. All of the chemical treatments that are used to color or perm hair, alter the delicate acid mantle of the scalp and your skin and at times you may exit the shower feeling itchy or even have spots on your face. What you want to do is promote slightly acidic environments. Check your shower gels and shampoos and be sure they have a ph of around 5.5. You can buy ph testing strips if you want to know for sure, but most of the higher end shampoos will fall into this 5.5 range. A good sign that your shampoo is too low in acid level is if you get the shampoo in your eye and it doesn't hurt. This is what you find in baby shampoos. Many people mistakenly think that using baby shampoos will be easier on their hair. Wrong. Baby shampoos are not made to be easy on baby's hair, they're made to be easy on baby's eyes. Important difference.

Maintain the Acid Mantle

You need to be aware that treating your hair with coloring or having a perm changes the mantle in a negative direction as I mentioned previously. If you are having a perm, have an acid perm. If you are having a color, have an acid color. Some color treatments are actually very good for your hair, and provide great conditioning.

The important point to remember here is to realize that your natural acid mantle will change as it is affected by internal and external factors. So just be aware of this, wash regularly with good products, and dilute your shampoos. This will help improve the mantle instead of destroying it.

Click Here to Learn More About Hair Loss in Women []

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MinoxidilMax: EssenGen2 - 2% Minoxidil Hair Regrowth Solution for Women (Less PG Than Rogaine)***Included in the Package: One bottles of 2 oz (60 mL) EssenGen2 containing 2% minoxidil (1.2 grams of minoxidil in each bottle; i.e., 20mg/mL) topical solution. It is sufficient for one month of use. One glass dropper with 0.5 and 1.0 mL markings for accurate delivery of solution to the area you want to treat. Propylene glycol (or PG) is reduced from 50% used in regular 2% minoxidil solution (Such as Women's Rogaine) to 30% to minimize potential skin irritation. ***How to use? Using the included dropper, apply up to 1 mL of EssenGen-2 to your scalp that has hair loss, twice daily with at least 8 hours between the two applications. ***EssenGen is the trademark of MinoxidilMax for the hair loss topical solution that has minoxidil.


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Shiny and soft hair is considered as the woman's crowning glory. They can either make or break a woman's appearance. However, females are not spared from hair thinning. They experience it just like men experiences baldness. And this can be very devastating for them. This just goes to show that no gender is exempted from this dilemma. Different treatments for women are now available in the market. However, one must first identify the reason for the problem before a treatment is done.

1. Aging is the most well-known cause of hair loss among women. Unlike men, women decreases production by the time they reach 35 to 40. It is part of normal life cycle where both man and woman shed hair as they grow old. This is called the Androgenetic Alopecia and is accountable for 95% of the problem in both genders.

2. Every year, the rate of woman's hair loss is rapidly increasing and is gradually running after the huge rate among men. Changing lifestyle would have something to do with this. Although researches found that women are more health conscious than men, they are more figure-conscious when compared to the opposite sex. As a result, they find ways to be skinny such as skipping meals. When there are not sufficient amount of nutrition in the body, one's well-being is affected. Visible results can be seen at a woman's skin texture, eyes, nails, and of course in the liveliness of their tresses. If undernourishment goes on for months, it would gradually result to hair fall. Components of anti-depressant and diet pill may alleviate hair loss as well.

3. Aside from lifestyle, women are said to be more prone to hair loss than men because they use more chemicals on a daily basis than the latter. Mouse, gel, hairsprays and strong shampoos have intense substances that may irritate the follicle causing to be incapable of producing healthy strands of locks. Tight hairstyles such as pigtails, tight braids and even rollers may also give the same effect. Treatments like hot oil or hair perms, although most salons claim that it can give a healthier and shinier hair as a result, may often lead to scalp inflammation and in the long run, a thinning hair.

4. Nowadays, women live a very stressful life. Physical and emotional stress leads to an unhealthy hair production. Usually, three to four months after giving birth, most women undergo a so-called post partum hair fall. This also happens after having an abortion or miscarriage. These and other events that only a woman may experience, makes this gender even more susceptible to this problem. Moreover, a woman may also lose few strands of her locks when beginning or ending an intake of birth control pills.

In case you notice that your hair is rapidly decreasing, seek professional help immediately. The problem may not only be a sign of malnutrition or aging but may also be an early warning of a serious health disorder such as cancer or thyroid problems.

Author is the webmaster of Hair Loss Treatment. You may be interested in Vitamin and Hair Loss and Natural Hair Loss Products [].

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We are all well aware that hair loss in men is quite common and that a lot of men have a hard time coping with it. However, hair loss in women can be common as well and cause an overwhelming feeling of emotional stress. After all, women are known for their hair because it can be a defining feature of who they are, and for this reason they will take great care to ensure it remains one of their better features. If something causes this feature to become unattractive, thin and brittle, depression and low self esteem can become a reality.

The receding hair line of a man typically happens over a period of time as they get older and is generally thought of as "normal". However, when hair loss is seen in a woman, it generally happens quite quickly and can usually be associated with an underlying medical problem. What's more, hair loss in women can happen at any age and should promote a trip to your health care provider to find out what the underlying cause is. There are numerous reasons a woman can begin losing her hair, but with the proper care from a physician, most of these conditions can be treated with success and further loss of hair halted.


A frequent reason women will begin to experience hair loss is due to an imbalance of hormones, such as what is seen after giving birth. However, this condition is usually temporary and will correct itself once the imbalance is reversed, which typically happens on its own. Another cause of this loss in women is due to a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome and this condition will require a visit to your health care provider for treatment.

Medical Conditions

Another reason women will experience hair loss is due to autoimmune disorders, such as lupus. If after showering or brushing your hair you notice an unusually large amount of hair in the drain or on your brush, you should contact your doctor immediately. The sooner you get treatment for your underlying condition, the sooner the thinning of your hair will stop as well. However, there are some medical treatments for different ailments that will in fact cause hair loss, such as the treatments for cancer. Keep in mind though that after the treatment has been completed the continued loss of hair should cease as well.

As you can see, there are numerous reasons hair loss in women happens and it is always recommended that a doctor be consulted if you are experiencing it as well. He will have the tools and tests necessary to find the reasons behind your condition, and in turn prescribe you the treatment to halt it in its tracks. After all, you want to not only protect that beautiful mane of hair you have had for so long, but you want to stay as healthy as possible too.

Lynn has been writing articles for approximately three years. Come visit her latest website over at which contains valuable information about hair extensions as well as information and tips on healthy hair.

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